3. Little Mudblood

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"How was the date?" Katie asked the next day.

"It wasn't a date." Lily said.

"Sure..." Gryff Girl laughed. "So how was it?"

Evans blushed slightly.

"Well..." She tucked her hair behind her ear. "You were right, James isn't so bad at all and... I like him... Very much. " Added with a shy smile.

"Why don't you tell him?" Brunette sat down next to her friend.

"Are you kidding?" Girl was embarrassed. "No... At least not now..."

"Oh, you're ashamed." McAllister laughed and hugged Lily.

"How about you would start dating someone on a permanent basis, huh?" Evans stepped away from the teenager a bit and gave her a pointed look.

"Me?" Katie laughed. "In fact, I've already dating with someone." Reminded.

"Why didn't you tell me anything?" Redhead became interested. "Who is this? Tell me."

"It's becaouse of Sirius." Girl wondered at which Lily smiled. "Well, because that idiot gave me a challenge and I was supposed to talk to the first guy to enter the pub." Gryff Girl sighed. "But I told him to pick up a waitress." Added at which Evans laughed. "What?" Looked at her friend.

"Nothing, nothing..." Said, amused. "But if you look at it, the two of you like to tease each other." She noticed.

"Anyway, what are you getting at?" Katie at her friend.

"Well, after all, you've been convincing me of the goodness there is in Jams." Said. "Wouldn't you like to settle down somehow? Start something... Longer? Hm?"

"And with whom?" McAllister was surprised. "With Sirius?" Asked surprised at what Lily nodded. "With that idiot?! You're kidding?" Laughed.

"You see? I said the same thing when you mentioned Jams." Redhead interjected.

"But James is different. Sirius is a flirt, he fooled most of the school girls. He is stubborn, sloppy, arrogant and..." She thought for a moment, and a sudden image of the said Gryff Boy flashed through her head. The girl felt that she was starting to blush, but she shook herself quickly. "And he's just an idiot and that's it."

"But you like him." Evans remarked. "Don't deny." She pointed at her companion with her finger.

"Yeah... I like him, but not this way..." Said with a hint of uncertainty.

"Or maybe, you haven't thought about him in any other way than just a friend?" Evans prompted her.


Lily messed up Katie's head pretty well. The brunette spent the whole day thinking about their conversation and the words her friend said: "Maybe you haven't thought about him in any other way than just a friend?"

The teenager reflected on this during her little walk around Hogwarts. Gryff Girl has known Sirius for a long time. She always treated him as a friend, although sometimes there were different moments. Sometimes, she thought she was even jealous of him, which would be strange, because she didn't feel anything for him... Right...?

Just like on cue, young witch noticed the mentioned Marauder after a few moments, picking up another girl. At that moment, at the mere sight of him, the teenager's heart beat faster, and at the mere sight of the stranger, McAllister felt a strange twinge and sudden anger, or rather jealousy. Where was she getting this from? Or was she just thinking too much about Lily's words?

From what she saw, Black gave his chosen one a flower, then smiled. Katie sighed and continued her walk.

"You think about him too much..." Whispered to herself.

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