34. Mischief Managed

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"What's that?" Grandmother said and looked behind her granddaughter with a smile.

Gryff Girl also followed her with her eyes and saw a very bright light in front of her.

" What's going on, Grandma? " She asked, and her voice echoed.

"It seems..." Woman looked at her granddaughter again. "That your plan was successful. " Added and smiled broadly, and immediately afterwards, the whole room was surrounded by a very bright and blinding glow.

After a few moments, Katie opened her eyes a bit, but a moment later she had to close them again because the bright light was still hurting her eyes. She got used to it and opened her eyes wider, and then she saw that she was in a room and just now she was staring at the ceiling. Confused, girl looked to the side and saw that she was lying on a bed, and in addition she was covered with a blanket. Brunette shook off a bit and sat down to look around the room. She was in a bedroom that seemed quite familiar to her. Girl suddenly felt a headache so she touched the sore spot with her hand and only after a few moments she realized what had happened.

"I died..." She recalled. "So what am I doing here...?" Asked herself. "No, wait a minute...." Wondered. Her memories began to mix strangely with each other, and when she dealt with them as much as possible, she realized what had happened.

Katie ran out of the room as fast as the storm. Girl quickly ran down the stairs and ran outside, then began to look around.

If she was right... If that's all, it's not just a dream... If Grandma was telling the truth... Then that's mean...

Suddenly, Gryff Girl heard someone's laughing voices, so she looked in the direction from which they came. In the clearing, next to the house from which she ran out, there were two people. One of them was a little boy who was sitting by the flowers, and the other person was an adult man. Brunet leaned against a tree and looked at child playing with a smile.

The first tears began to flow down girl's cheeks. The person sitting under the tree was none other than Sirius Black himself!

Katie couldn't stand it any longer and ran towards her beloved. Marauder saw her after a while, then got up to his feet and smiled broadly at his wife running towards him. Brunette threw herself around his neck, and man easily grabbed her and turned with her around his axis.

"It's you..." Girl cried. "It's really you..." She hugged to Marauder.

"Of course it's me. " He laughed. "And who else could be your husband? I wouldn't let anyone else come to you. " Laughed.

After a while, Katie moved away from him a bit and took his face in her hands and stroked his cheeks. Brunette couldn't control tears of happiness. Black, seeing her reaction, smiled warmly and brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear.

"It's okay... It's okay now." He said in a warm voice. "It's all over. "Smiled. "Welcome home. " Added, to which girl moved closer and kissed him. Marauder immediately kissed her back

Her memories returned just a few minutes after waking up in her earlier bedroom. Katie's plan succeeded. The letters reached Katie from the past, and this meant that Gryff Girl believed in their contents and managed to change the course of events, which meant that James and Lily were alive, Harry never lost his parents, and Sirius never ended up in Azkaban. Even better, Sirius and Katie got married and had a son. Everything turned out the way it should have happened the first time.

"And Jamie and Lily...? " Katie asked worried.

"They're fine, babe. " Boy replied. "And today, they come with Harry to dinner." Added with a smile. "You did it, my little dot-lady. " Stroked her cheek. "You saved us..." He said in a warm voice.

Girl breathed a sigh of relief and hugged her husband again.

Bad events never happened, and Voldemort was defeated. The Marauders, along with Katie and Lily, helped the chosen one end the tyranny of the Dark Lord. Now, at the present time, there was peace.

"Mommy! " They heard suddenly behind them.

Their son ran up to them, and in his hands he held a small bouquet of blue irises.

"It's for you." Little boy said and gave girl a bouquet.

"Thank you, honey. " She smiled and took a gift from her son.

"Padfoot! " They heard suddenly behind them. "I hope you haven't eaten everything yet?"

It was James' voice. Potter walked towards them with Lily, whom he held by the hand, and Harry and Remus walked right next to them. Zoe wasn't here, because from what girl remembered, blonde had left country, but she would talk to them every now and then to let them know that everything was fine.

"Too late, Will and I ate everything! " Marauder laughed and took his son in his arms, then grabbed his wife's hand with his free hand and together they moved towards the approaching friends.


This is the end of this story, but there'll also be new books on my profile. I'm still working on translating my other books, so please feel free to read. 

Thanks to everyone for reading!

See you later!

*Mischief Managed*

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*Mischief Managed*

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