32. Promise

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It seemed that now everything was going in the right direction. Or at least Katie hoped so. However, she still had a lot of work ahead of her to make everything go well, girl tried not to enjoy it in advance. She wanted everything to work out now.

As Katie wrote from the future, McAllister was finally able to admit to herself that she loved Sirius. They hadn't talked about it yet, but at least girl wasn't afraid of that feeling like she was at first. After the Quidditch match, Padfoot wanted to talk to her, but due to the multitude of events, they didn't succeed, so now Gryff Girl went to the place where Black most often sat. She found him sitting under a tree, boy flew away with his thoughts and didn't even notice her until she sat next to him.

"Are you back on earth now? " She laughed.

"Yes, now, yes. " He smiled.

"You wanted to talk. " Girl reminded. "Something happened?" Asked with concern.

"A lot has happened recently, don't you think? "He glanced at his friend. "Thanks to you, I reconciled with my brother. " Lowered his head.

Katie, hearing his words, smiled broadly.

"What? " Boy was surprised.

"This is the first time you've admitted it out loud and called Regulus brother. " Katie rejoiced. "I'm proud of you. " She looked into his eyes. "Really. "

Padfoot shook his head.

"It seems that nothing would have come of it if it were not for you. " Said and sighed heavily. " Thank you, my little dot-lady. " He looked at her again and smiled warmly.

"At your service. " Girl smiled.

"I can't get rid of one impression though... " Black looked at brunette significantly. "As if you knew more than us... You're hiding something and I see it, but I can't guess what's going on. " Said, looking into her eyes. "You can't deny it, will you?"

"No. "Girl replied sadly. "I don't want to lie to you... I'd like to tell you about it... " Looked into his chocolate eyes again. "Really. But I can't do it yet. "She sighed hard. "I'll tell you the whole truth soon, but not yet, patience is needed. " Smiled palely.

"Okay then. " Replied. "But don't take on too much of a burden. " Said while looking at her. "You're not alone, don't forget that. "

They both sat for a moment staring at each other.

"And just ... " Padfoot broke the silence. "Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" Asked.

"No. " McAllister replied.

"Maybe we could go to Hogsmeade together? " Glanced at her. "You and I..." He said. "What do you say?" Asked and handed her the daisy, which he had picked a moment earlier. Black tickled her with a flower on her nose, and then put it behind her ear, which caused a shy smile of girl.

"Sure. " She replied shyly.

Girl knew that soon she was going to have a rather pleasant surprise from Sirius. Their relationship will change and take the right side. And even very good. As the couple sat in one of the pubs, they were aware that the other three Marauders were watching them. However, they decided to ignore it and run away at the right moment. And so it happened.

After some time and several quarrels between Sirius and Katie, the couple was already able to officially announce that they were together. Katie from the future was right about that. It was exactly as she said, but the worst was yet to come.

McAllister was just walking through the hallway of Hogwarts when she suddenly saw Peter talking to McGonagall.

"Where's Mr. Black?" Teacher asked.

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