14. White roses

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"Okay, guys, listen..." Sirius sat across from his friends. "But before I start... Where's Peter again?" Asked resignedly.

"I have no idea." James replied.

"He said he had to arrange something." Remus interjected. "Despite all our efforts, he is still moving away from us..." Sighed sadly. "We have to do something about it."

"I agree." Black supported Marauder.

"What did you want to say?" Potter looked at friend.

"Katie's birthday is coming..." Padfoot began with a smile. "We have to come up with a gift."

"She doesn't like gifts..." said Lupin.

"And surprises too." Prongs added.

"But she will accept from us everything anyway." Sirius announced. "The last time was hard for all of us, we need to have a bit of fun. Let's make Katie feel good and give her something she won't expect. I know that I'll probably get a slap for preparing a gift for her, the same was a year ago..." Marauder remembered. "But maybe it will be different now." Added with a smile.

"Maybe?" Moony repeated after his friend.

"By the way..." James interjected. "Where has our Kitty gone?" Looked at his friends. "Haven't seen her since yesterday."

"Right." Remus agreed with his friend. "We haven't seen her since McGonagall called her. Padfoot, do you know something?"

"No..." He admitted sadly. "Maybe Lily knows something?" Black looked at Potter.

As if on cue, Lily had just entered the common room.

"Have any of you seen Katie?" She asked immediately as she entered, and the other three sighed.

"So she doesn't know anything either." Padfoot guessed. "Let's see..." Marauder opened the map and began to look for Gryff Girl. "Strange..." Wondered. "I can't see her on the map."

"Maybe she went to Hogsmeade?" Lupin thought.

"Maybe..." Sirius wondered. "Perhaps we'll ask McGonagall or Dumbledore what was that about?" He suggested and the others nodded.

The four Gryffindors went to see Professor Minerva. They knocked politely on her office and went inside when they heard permission.

"What brings you to me?" Teacher was surprised.

"Professor..." Evans said. "Yesterday you called Katie to the Headmaster..."

"We haven't seen her since then and we wanted to ask if you might know something?" Lupin finished.

McGonagall straightened and then walked over to the students.

"Miss McAllister has come home..." She announced sadly.

"What?" Black was surprised. "Why?"

"Something happened?" James asked and the woman sighed heavily.

"Grandma Katie died last night..." She said sadly. "Everything happened very quickly, Miss McAllister went home right away, probably didn't have time to inform you of anything. She was shaky..."

Sirius and James exchanged glances.

"Professor..." Black said. "I have a request then..."


Katie just got home. She opened the door and walked slowly inside. At once she felt a huge emptiness in her heart. Girl put the luggage aside and then entered the apartment and looked around. Everything seemed so empty...

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