17. Oh shit

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" So what's going on? " Marauder asked and then put his hands in his pocket.

" I have a proposal for you. " Said the younger brother, which greatly surprised Sirius.

" What are you talking about? " Sirius asked confused. " What proposal? "

Regulus sighed heavily and rolled up a piece of sleeve from his blouse. On his left forearm, on the inside, there was a sign that Padfoot immediately recognized. It was the Dark Mark of Voldemort's followers. It looked like a living tattoo. Usually it was only a faint sign, but when it became active, it turned pitch black. It was a large skull from which a snake protruded from between the jaws, like a tongue.

Black looked at his brother in shock.

"You want to tell me that..." Padfoot began confused, but Regulus entered his words.

" Yes. " He said indifferently. " You think well, this is the sign of the Dark Lord. " Said. "My proposition is this."Looked at his brother. " Join us, and then... " Younger of the brothers didn't have time to finish the sentence, because Marauder hit him with his fist.

Regulus staggered and wiped the blood that had flowed from his nose with his hand.

"Stop screwing! " Black shouted and walked over to him, then took him by the tailcoats and looked him in the eye. " What the hell are you doing? " Said broken. " Why did you join him?! You don't understand that... "

" No. " Death Eater entered into his words. " You're the one who doesn't understand. " He looked indifferently at his brother. " You don't understand anything. " Said. "At least he respects and appreciates me. "

"He's lying to you! " Padfoot shouted. "He told you lies so you could only join him! "

"Why? " Boy asked. "Does it bother you so much? Why shouldn't I join him? Why are you so care about this? " Asked. " After all, I'm nothing to you. " Added and then freed himself from his brother's embrace.

"Regulus..." Black shook his head.

"Join us. You'll protect your friends."Said. "And you and your friends will be safe. "

"Not everyone. " Sirius looked at him. "You abhor people from Muggle families, so don't tell me they'll be safe after I join you. "

"The Dark Lord will surely agree to spare them..." Regulus urged him. "All you have to do is join us. "

"Never. " Padfoot said right away. "Forget about it. "

"Sirius ... " Boy began and then looked at Padfoot again. "You won't win this war. " Said. " Proceed as you should. "

" That's exactly what I'm doing. This is the right side. " He approached his brother. " It is you who must shake off. " Looked at him. "Don't make that mistake..." Black hesitated for a moment and then added. " Please. "

Regulus was very surprised by the words of Gryff Boy.

" Please? "He repeated in disbelief. " Why? "

" Damn, because I don't want you to end up like that! " Black said. " – End this, I beg you. Choose a different side, a better one... The right one. "

" I have already chosen. " Boy insisted. " Now it's your turn. Are you coming with me...? Or not? " He asked.

Sirius looked at his brother for a long time and then shook his head.

" So this is a farewell. " Regulus said. " Goodbye. " He turned around and wanted to leave, but then Padfoot stopped him.

" Think about it again. " Marauder insisted. " It's not too late. "

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