27. A moment of rest

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Harry and his friends not only saved Sirius and Katie from the Dementors, but also saved Black from prison. Padfoot ran away, and when things got a little quiet, he moved in with McAllister, he couldn't do it before, so as not to put her at risk. Other wizards may have suspected that Marauder was hiding with her. Remus had to give up his position as a teacher, he knew that some parents would certainly be afraid that one of teachers was a werewolf.

Katie returned home in her spare time and was now sitting on the steps with Sirius. Girl cut and leveled his hair a bit, and he shaved a little. He no longer looked like he was released from prison, he had new, clean clothes and he was no longer so emaciated.

"There will be another war, right? "Katie looked at Padfoot sitting next to her.

"Yes, it's seems that way. " He replied. "Harry will be right in the middle of it. " Sighed heavily.

"We will protect him. " She glanced at Marauder. "Together. " Smiled warmly, which he reciprocated. "I missed you so much. " She whispered, and the tears began to gather in her eyes again. "I was afraid I would never see you again. " Said, to which Black took her hand and kissed her hand.

"Me too. " He replied sadly. "Remus told me you even tried to take all the blame..." Looked her in the eye. "Dummy. " He give her's nose a flick. "What if I went free and you took my place? It wouldn't change anything, we would still have to live in separation ... " Said sadly.

"But at least you would be free. "She said and scooped a lock of hair by the ear.

" I'm here now, with you. " Hugged girl. "And that's all that matters now. " Said. "Enough of these sad conversations. " He stroked her head. "All this time you took care of Harry, you became a mother to him. "Said with a smile. "I'm proud of you. " Looked at her. "And of you and of Harry. Really. It's a pity that we lost so many years, but now we'll reward everything. " Smiled warmly. "I promise you." He kissed her on the forehead. "Do you still go to Dumbledore for those secret lessons?" Asked and then laughed softly.

" Yes. " She replied. "I've learned practically everything. "

"Will you finally tell me what they're about? " Asked curiously.

"Not yet. " Katie said and smiled. "I'll tell you everything when my plan succeeds. "

" So you can't give away any details now? "

"Nope. " She said.

"Even me? "He made an offended face.

" Even to you. "She poked him on the head. "No one else can know about it, at least not yet. Everything in it's own time, Pads. " She smiled nicely, which Black reciprocated, and a moment later boy overcame the space dividing them and joined their lips in a warm kiss, which she immediately reciprocated.

"I missed you so much..." He whispered and stroked girl's cheek.

"Fortunately, we're finally together. " Gryff Girl took their hands together. "And that's what counts now. " Looked at him. "We have to come up with something for Harry's return home, the school year is about to end. "

" You're right. " Sirius agreed. " Are you going to work tomorrow? "

"Yes. There's a big head off there now, but it's all over soon. "

" I'll be waiting for you here. " Black said with a smile. "I have a request for you..." Glanced at his beloved. "Will you go with me to one place?"

"Of course. " McAllister replied with a nice smile.

After a few minutes, they both teleported to the place mentioned by the Marauder. It was the grave of James and Lily.

Katie knelt beside them and, using the appropriate spell and her wand, conjured up a small wreath and then approached Black and grabbed his hand.

"You think they're watching over us? "Padfoot asked sadly.

"I think so. " Girl replied and then sighed heavily. "When we do something wrong, they certainly punish us for it. " She smiled. "I think they're happy that we're visiting them. Jamie would definitely be happy if we brought his favorite brandy. "Laughed.

"Well... " Black pulled out a bottle with the aforementioned alcohol, to which girl laughed again. "To your health." Turned to his friends, then took a sip of the drink and handed it to Katie, who did the same.

"Harry is becoming more and more like you. " McAllister said, and looked sadly at the grave. "I'm sure you're proud of him. He's a really great boy. " Said.

"He has a good heart, just like you Lily. " Black said.

"But from you, Jamie, your son inherited a talent for getting into trouble. " Katie laughed.

"But he had you with him. " Sirius glanced at his companion. "You've always pulled him out of these troubles. "Smiled palely.

"Or maybe it was because of me that he was getting into these troubles..." She sighed heavily. "I'm not such a good caregiver at all. Many times I've had enough of it all and I wanted to give up. " Admitted sadly. "When I lost you, the whole world took on dark colors for me... After all this, I couldn't take it. I tried to be strong, for Harry, because I knew he needed me... I tried to free you, but as a result, I didn't do anything. " Said heartbroken. "I'm not as good as you tell me. "

"Kitty." Black squeezed her hand tighter. "You're talking stupid. "

"No, Sirius. " Interrupted him. "I even tried to end it and jump out of that damn Astronomical Tower, like Zoe..." She admitted with tears in her eyes. "But when it came down to it... I couldn't do it. " Cried.

"Not only you tried something like this, babe ... " Boy put his arm around her and hugged her. "I wanted to end it too." Admitted. "But then your image appeared in my head... And I already knew that I couldn't do it, that I couldn't leave you in this gloomy world. So one thought encouraged me, thanks to it I regained the will to fight... Thanks to you, my little dot-lady. " He kissed her on the forehead. "I promised that I wouldn't leave you anymore... And I'll keep my word. " Said. "I'm going to take care of you now. " Leaned his beard against her head and stroked her on the back, and at that time girl cuddled even more with her beloved.

Soon after, the school year ended and Harry returned home. During their free time, the three of them spent wonderful moments together. They were like one happy family. Even though the world was so gloomy, they enjoyed having each other. They rejoiced as long as they could. Every free moment wasn't wasted. Harry could finally feel what it meant to have a full family. He missed James and Lily very much, but Sirius and Katie did everything in their power to keep boy from feeling this emptiness. They were his only family.

Fate, however, didn't allow them to enjoy the good moments for too long. Soon, more overwhelming events were to follow that Gryffindors had no idea about. Every time they went straight, someone put logs under their feet. It turns out that passing through them is extremely difficult. How will they manage to get through them? And won't they stumble along the way...? What else can happen to them?

*Mischief Managed*

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