13. Calm before the storm

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"Are you okay?" Lily walked over to her friend lying under the blanket. The holidays passed very quickly, and the students were back at Hogwarts.

"No." The other replied and then she hid her face in her hands.

Gryff Girl still couldn't forget the fact that Sirius kissed her. She still had Norman's words in her mind: "You really love him."

"Is this about the last dinner you had with your grandmother's friend?" Evans guessed then sat down next to Katie on the bed. McAllister told her everything. "Still thinking about Sirius?" She added slightly amused.

"Tell me, what's wrong with me?" McAllister said looking at the ceiling. "He's acting practically normal as if nothing has happened, and I can't forget it." Sighed heavily.

"Or is he just pretending?" Lily suggested. "After all, he likes you very much."

"But not this way." Katie entered her words.

"And you like him that way?" Evans highlighted the last words then looked pointedly at friend.

Brunette was silent for a moment and then sighed heavily.

"I don't know." She admitted and hid her face in her hands again. "I don't even know what it's like to fall in love, I don't know anything about it or about feelings. I don't know how I feel about him... I'm not sure of anything."

"But you care about him." The other noticed.

"Of course." Witch sat down and looked at her friend. "As much as I care about you and the others." Said. "And that day..." She remembered again the day Sirius had saved her. As if on cue, she heard Norman say, "You really love him.". "When he saved me... When he was lying there then and he didn't move... I was terrified" Admitted. "I was afraid he wouldn't wake up anymore." Added timidly. "But that doesn't mean anything, and I would be as worried if anything happened to you or James, or Remus, or Peter." Began to exchange.

"I think you're displacing what you feel." Evans said. "More than once you refer to him as a friend, then you say that he pisses you off, irritates you and that he is an idiot." Girl laughed. "I also talked about James like that at the beginning, and now... I found out that I love him and I can't imagine my life without him." Admitted slightly blushed. "I can't explain you exactly the meaning of the word "love", I'm still learning it, but..." She looked at her friend. "Think about it and don't disown yourself from what you feel." Smiled then got up and headed to the exit.

"Where are you going?" McAllister asked.

"To the library, I'll be right back." She added with a smile and then disappeared through the door. Katie sighed again and fell back onto her bed. She lost herself in her thoughts until it surprised her that Lily hadn't returned yet, and almost half an hour had passed. Gryff Girl got up and headed towards the library. After a few minutes, she heard a conversation and around the corner spotted her friend talking to Snape. Boy didn't like the fact that Lily was dating Potter. They started arguing and there was a sharp exchange of views.

"Why am I still trying!" Boy shouted. "You're just a mudblood, you can do whatever you want!" Katie was pissed off when she heard that, and poor Lily had tears in her eyes. "Believe me, I didn't want to..." Snape began to explain quickly.

"Call me a mudblood?" Rdhead interjected. "Severus, that's what you call anyone who comes from the Muggle family. How am I different from them?" Said with tears in her eyes. At that moment Katie came up to them, took her friend's hand and led her behind her.

"You're a jerk." She looked at Severus angrily. "How are you not ashamed?!" Snapped. "You can say and think what you want, but James would never in his life call Lily a mudblood." Said honestly. "Stay away from her." She added as she left and waved her wand as a result of which Snape's pants fell off.

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