15. Hogwarts is my home!

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"Are you crazy?!" McAllister shouted. "You can't do this to me! "

"I can. " Aunt Alice replied. "And I just did. Now you're in my care and you are to obey me. " The woman said sharply. "You'll never come back to Hogwarts again!" Screamed. " Forget about it! "

"I've been going there since I was little, I grew up there ... " Katie was devastated. " All my friends are there! You can't take it from me! Hogwarts is my home! "

" Your home is here! " Alice entered her words. "Hogwarts is just one of those pathetic schools that kids like you are sent to." Snorted. " Besides, everything is almost ready, you will soon start going to normal school. And, Norman is there too, so you'll feel better " She added, which pissed off the young woman even more.

"What?! " She came up to her aunt. " Grandma let me go to Hogwarts, you have no right... "

" Thefany was stupid! " Alice looked sternly at McAllister. " She knew what could happen... And she agreed anyway. Stupid woman. " Snorted.

" Shut up! " Brunette screamed as a result of which the room suddenly darkened, and all the papers that were on the table were blown away by the wind. "Don't insult her! " She looked hostile at her aunt.

"You're not going back to Hogwarts. " Woman said sternly. "Get it in your head. " She added and reached for one of the letters that had fallen. "And this ..." She took the letter in her hand and threw it into the stove. "You have to forget about them too. " Added and burnt more letters.

"Stop it! " Girl shouted and ran up but she didn't manage to stop her aunt from burning letters from her friends. "Why are you doing this...? " She looked with resignation at the burning letters. "They are important to me... And now they are definitely worried, they don't know why I didn't come back to school. You can not... "

"Enough! " Alice interrupted her. "Enough. " Repeated.

Katie looked at her aunt with tears in her eyes then went to her room and closed the door with a loud bang. Teenager sat down on her bed and wrapped her hands around her knees.

"Grandma ..." She whispered. "What I should do now...? " Sighed and looked sadly at the window. "I have to go back there ... I have to go back to them ..." Said sadly. "They must be worried..." She wondered. "Sirius must be angry at me... "

A week has passed. Katie tried to convince her aunt but failed. After the weekend, McAllister was due to start a new Muggle school. It was Friday night. Gryff Girl wanted to write a letter to her friends but her aunt didn't let her, she took her owl and burned all the letters that were sent to Katie from Hogwarts.

"And what now...? " Broken brunette sighed and then rested her head on the desk in her room.

During this time, James and Sirius came up with their own plan, or rather thought they had come up with one. They sneaked out of Hogwarts and made their way to the McAllister house. They stood under the window of the girl's room and looked to see if there was anyone nearby. Padfoot reached for one of the smaller stones and threw it in the window from their friend's room, and when they didn't receive an answer, he reached for another, similar stone and threw it again.

"What do you have your wand for? " Potter whispered to Sirius.

Black looked at his friend, then glanced back at the window and threw his wand at it, which bounced off the glass and fell next to him to the ground. Fortunately, it didn't break. Padfoot looked resignedly at the glasses man, who just shook his head and slapped his forehead with his hand. At the same time Katie, when she heard the noise, lifted her head up and looked ahead at the window. A moment later she saw something in the shape of a wand bouncing off the glass so teenager got up, opened the window and looked outside, and a moment later froze as she saw her friends arguing.

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