10. Cookies with stars

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Katie wanted to bake cookies for Sirius. Lily was supposed to help her with this, but girl had been so busy lately that she didn't have time for it, so McAllister tried to do something herself, but it wasn't very good for her.

Gryff Girl just had a free moment so she went to the kitchen and wanted to try to make her dream pastries. She did everything according to the recipe and the cookies didn't come out anyway. Teenager sighed heavily and leaned back against the kitchen counter. Moments later, she had a heart attack when she heard Sirius right next to her. Brunette immediately hid the unsuccessful baking behind her, but Padfoot noticed it anyway.

"What's this?" Marauder looked behind his friend to see what she hides. "Cookies!" He smiled and took one of the trays.

"You better not eat..." Katie was stressed out.

"Why?" He was surprised and then took a bite.

The cookie was tough and didn't taste very good, but Black showed nothing and ate it whole.

"I told you not to eat." Girl sighed. "They're terrible." She looked at her pastries again.

"Nooo, they're not." Boy interjected with a smile.

"Don't lie." Katie gave him a quick glance. "I'm just learning, I'll make you better next time, I promise." She added looking at the unsuccessful cookies.

Sirius smiled again at her words.

"So I'll wait." Padfoot ran his hand through his hair. "Oh, and.." Black reached into his pocket. "I always forget to give it back to you." He took out the hair clip and handed it to Gryff Girl.

"Zoe hairpin..." Girl looked at the gift. "I thought I wouldn't find it." She took a gift from a friend. "Thank you." Smiled pleasantly and he reciprocated.

"Always at your service, my lady." Black winked at her. "One thing puzzles me... Why aren't you wearing it?" Asked with a little surprise.

"I-I don't know..." Witch said after a long moment.

Sirius looked at companion and then took the hairpin back from her.

"What are you doing?" She asked, slightly confused.

"I find a better place for it." He said, then pushed a strand of Gryff Girl hair away and put an hair clip on it. "See?" Smiled proudly. "Suits you. You look lovely." Added.

Katie touched hair clip with her hand and looked at smiling Sirius. Moments later brunet moved towards the exit from the kitchen.

"Waiting for your cookies." He waved at her.

Teenager smiled slightly to herself and then touched hair clip again. A moment later, she shook herself a bit and looked at her unsuccessful pastries.

"What am I doing wrong?" Sighed.

Katie cleaned up the mess, and when she was done, she leaned back against the counter and looked straight ahead. Just then, Remus was walking past the kitchen. Girl got an idea and after a while she ran out into the corridor after her friend.

"Remus!" She shouted after him, so the other stopped and looked at her. "Please, help me!"

"Oh no." He replied when he saw her. "I'm not doing it..." Said, and McAllister looked at him with a question mark. "This time I won't help you give frogs for Slytherin... Or to McGonagall..." He shook his head at the bad memory of the teacher which made Katie laugh.

"That's not what I mean." She came to her friend with a smile on her face.

"No?" He raised an eyebrow up. "So whatis it?" Looked at his companion.

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