2. Jasmine, strong drink and Friday afternoon

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A few days later.

James ran all over the school looking for Katie. After a few minutes, he found her talking to one of the students. Potter waved his hand at her, and when the girl noticed him, she walked over to him to the side.

"What's up?" She was the first to speak.

The boy leaned against the wall and smiled at his friend.

"I have a request for you." McAllister looked at him.

"Request?" Katie became interested. "What is it?" She folded her arms over her chest.

"I want to invite Lily on a little getaway, or should I say, on a date." He said what the girl smiled.

"Well..." Passed him and started walking, James was right behind her. "Then invite her."

"That's what I want to do." Wizard ran up to her.

"So what is the problem?" Katie glanced at him briefly. "You're not afraid, are you?" Laughed.

"No, of course not." Potter replied. "Snape is the problem." Looked at her friend. "He's been following her all the time lately. You know, it's no problem for me to get him off her, I could handle this type, but I don't want to hurt Lily. Just like it was after my last chat with Snape, remember right?"

"Oh yeah, I remember..." The brunette sighed.

Their last conversation ended in a pretty good fight. James and Severus hated each other. There were various reasons for this, but it seems that the biggest one was Lily.

"So you want me to pull Lily away from him, right?" The witch asked.

"Would be nice. I wouldn't want to make a fuss over her again." Prongs sighed.

Katie smiled and ruffled her friend's head.

"Aww, it's so sweet how you worried about our Evans." She laughed. "Give me a minute, I'll get it right." Said.

"Thanks, Kitty." James smiled broadly. "I knew you could be counted on." He waved at the departing teenager.

After a few minutes, Katie found her friend. The redhead was just talking to Snape. The brunette sighed at the sight of him, then rubbed her hands together and ran towards them.

"Lily!" She called loudly as the others looked at her. "Come quickly! It's a catastrophe!" Ran up to her friend.

"A catastrophe?" Evans repeated after her in mild surprise. "What's happening?"

"Jasemine needs you." McAllister took the redhead's hand and the other looked at her with suprised. "She said that if you don't come to her, she'll jump from the Astronomy Tower, so you better come quickly." Pulled her friend with her.

Lily only managed to say a short "bye" to Severus goodbye and then disappeared around the corner with her companion.

"Which Jasemine do you mean?" Lily asked, following the other Gryff Girl. "Willow?" Asked by surname.

"No, honey." Katie smiled. "Jasemine Potter." Added, then pushed her friend ahead and after a second the redhead was already in the arms of Prongs.

McAllister bowed nicely and then went her way, a moment later she almost went downstairs when Sirius appeared out of nowhere in her way.

"Merlin's beard..." The girl put her hand to her heart, which caused only Black's laugh.

"How are our lovebirds?" Brunet asked and looked around the corner to look at the talking couple.

"They chirp and chirp." Katie walked over to him and rested her hand on Padfoot's shoulder.

"Since when do pigeons chirp?" Boy glanced at her briefly.

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