19. Masquerade Ball

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Last year at Hogwarts. On this occasion, before the complete end of the year, a masquerade ball was to be held for all students and teachers of Hogwarts.

Katie has been terribly thoughtful lately. Girl couldn't forget Sirius' last words: "I don't want to lose you... Neither you nor what I feel for you..."

What exactly did he mean? Did Black really feel anything for her? The facts could point to this treatment every time McAllister began to believe it, something must have happened that made her doubt that it was really true. She also had trouble admitting what she felt.

"How did I know I'd find you here? " James approached sad teenager. "It's not normal for you to be so sad. What happened? "He asked with concern.

"I'm lost in all of this, James..." Girl whispered. "I don't know what I'm really feeling anymore. "

"It's about Sirius? " Boy guessed what she nodded hesitantly. "Feel free to talk to me. " Encouraged her to talk. "Look, Sirius is my friend, and so are you. Don't worry, I won't tell him anything. Promise. " Potter smiled warmly. "Whatever you tell me, it will remain between us. "

"Thank you. " She replied with a shy smile. "You know... I think... I fell in love with him... " Added shyly.

"You think? " Asked with a smile and then looked at his friend.

"Jamie, I never knew what it was like to fall in love and... I've never been in love with anyone so I have some doubts whether this is really the point. " She said, then she covered her knees with her hands and leaned her chin against them. "I really care about Sirius... He is always with me when I need him. " Smiled shyly. "I haven't had that before, but lately, as soon as he appears next to me, I feel a strange feeling... I don't know what it is. I start to get tangled up in words when I talk to him, and my heart suddenly speeds up... "

"You know..." James looked at her with a smile. "That's all you say, what has happened to you lately... That's love. " Said with a warm smile. "You can safely admit that you fell in love with him, that's not a bad thing, Kitty. "

Girl blushed a bit and then thought for a moment.

"You may be right." She admitted timidly. "But... "

"But? " Marauder repeated after her.

" What if he doesn't feel the same way? " Asked uncertainly. "Padfootmust have told you what happened last time" She glanced at Potter. "After the last party." Added, then looked away again.

"Yeah well... He mentioned something." Boy admitted.

"Sirius said it was a mistake." She said with a hint of sadness. "First he says so, and a few days later he says that he cares about me and that he doesn't want to lose me." Said embarrassedly. "I don't understand him. Because of all this, I'm afraid to talk to him about it... "

Prongs shook his head.

"You know him. Padfoot, it's just Padfoot." He laughed. "You have to understand him to know what he really thinks. " Shook his head. "But I'll tell you one thing." Looked at his friend again. "Sirius likes you." Said confidently. "He likes you a lot." Added with a smile. "If I had to advise you anything, you should talk to each other as soon as possible. It has to be a really honest conversation. Tell him how you feel, you have nothing to fear, believe me." Smiled again. "Do you remember how it was with me and Lily?" He laughed. "Don't continue to make such mistakes, tell the truth. It will be stressful, I must admit, but after the fact, you'll see that it was worth it. I was afraid of how Evans would react when I told her everything, but I took a chance and I don't regret it. I love her. " He smiled. "And you love Sirius. " Glanced at Gryff Girl. "Tell him that. "

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