22. Separated hearts

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The good and joyful days, didn't last too long. Shortly after James married Lily, James' parents died of Dragon Pox. They didn't have a chance to see their grandson, Harry. Sirius' brother, Regulus, was also killed at a similar time. The Dark Lord grew in strength, the Order bravely fought with its allies, won many skirmishes, but also lost a lot. Shortly before the birth of young Potter, the Marauders and their loved ones learned of a prophecy that concerned the son of James and Lily.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives...

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."

Voldemort wanted to find the young couple and their son, he wanted to get rid of them at all costs, so friends made every effort to prevent this from happening. The best chance to defend the Potters will be the Fidelius Charm for them. It was a very powerful spell used to hide things or places, or to conceal secrets. It was an extremely difficult, multifaceted, and potent charm that could be used to conceal a secret inside an individual's soul. The witch or wizard who housed the secret was known as the Secret Keeper. A dwelling whose location had been protected by this spell was then invisible, intangible, unplottable, and soundproof. This was an extremely old spell, one of the most ancient of all

When the the Secret Keeper died, his role was taken over by the one to whom the secret had been revealed before the keeper's death. If the secret was known to several people, they all became Secret Keepers, which weakened the protective power of the spell.

"I think Sirius would be the perfect candidate for the Secret Keeper. " James said thoughtfully. "What do you think, Pads? Agree? " He looked at his friend worried. He knew that Black would sooner die than betray them.

"Of course I would agree. " Marauder replied, then rested his hands on his lap and looked at the friends sitting opposite. "But think about it..." He waved his hand. "Wouldn't it be too obvious that I would be the Keeper?" Said in his reflection and then looked at his fiancée sitting next to him.

"Honestly..." McAllister wondered. "Sirius may be right. " She replied after a long while. "If I were in his place, I would immediately bet on the fact that it is Pads who can be the Secret Keeper ... "

"So what are we going to do? " Remus wondered.

" Let the Secret Keeper be a person whom no one would immediately suspect. " Black run his hand through his hair. "Someone like Peter. " Looked at his friend.

"What do you think? " Katie asked and looked at Pettigrew.

"I think Sirius is right. " Wormtail replied. "They won't suspect me. " He said. "It's worth to try. " Added and looked at his friends.

So Peter became the Secret Keeper. It's a really heavy function. The secret he protects is most often desired by other wizards, which makes Keeper in dangerous. Although he can only say a secret voluntarily, many have tried to force the mystery by force, most often through the Cruciatus or Imperius spell.

After Harry's birth, Sirius and Katie became his godparents. Friends spent many wonderful moments with Potters, and little boy was their apple of the eye. The wedding of another couple from Gryffindor was also approaching soon. It seemed that everything would end well, that everything would go their way, but... That was not the case at all.

"You had an argument with Remus. " Katie walked over to Black sitting on the couch. "What happened? " She asked worriedly and sat down next to her beloved.

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