21. Red apple

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The big day has come. Just today was the wedding of James and Lily.

When Katie dressed up in her navy blue, elegant jumpsuit, she went to a friend's room to help her with her dress, hair and makeup.

"How are you feeling? Are you stressed? " McAllister asked with a smile.

"A little bit. " Admitted a slightly nervous girl.

"It will be fine. " Brunette took Gryff Girl by the hands. "As soon as you see your Jamie, you'll immediately forget all the stress. " She said with a warm smile. "And he will not let you fall anymore. "

"Thank you, Katie. " Lily looked at her friend. "I'm glad I have you, you know? " Added to which Katie hugged her.

"Always at your service, my dear. " Witch corrected Evans' hair a bit. "Inhale and exhale. " She said to calm her companion. "There's only one thing that worries me." Wondered.

"What's that? " Girl asked.

"Pads, Jamie and Remus are too quiet today. " She said in her reflection. "They did something, I'm sure of it. " Nodded. "I just don't know what... Yet."

"Yet? " Lily laughed.

" Yet. " Brunette nodded. "Well, we're about to leave. " She smiled. "Beautiful bride of you. "

The wedding took place in the garden, which was beautifully decorated. Lily walked to the altar and Katie followed her. The moment red-haired woman stood in the sun, her dress suddenly changed color from white to delicate pink. When she later went from the sun into the shadows, her dress changed color again, this time to a bright blue. McAllister shook her head and looked significantly at Sirius, who pretended not to know what was going on.

The whole ceremony passed very quickly and just now James and Lily have officially become married. Now, it's time to have fun.

"Don't get angry. " Black whispered to his beloved. "It wasn't meant to be like that, we twisted the spells a bit and we couldn't unscrew it. " He explained. "But still, Lily looked beautiful in such a colorful dress. " Said with a goofy smile. " You look just as beautiful. " He grinned his teeth at which Katie shook her head and gave him a snap in the nose. " Ouch. " He massaged nose to which McAllister laughed and a moment later she kissed his nose, and then kissed him in lips. "So you're not angry? " Asked and made the puppy's eyes.

" No. " She replied amused and then brushed him slightly on the hair.

When the young couple had already had their first dance, Sirius asked Katie to dance, and right now they were both on the dance floor and dancing to one of the slower songs.

"It's good that everything went our way. " Girl said in her reflection. "Jamie and Lily deserved it. " She looked at the couple talking to each other.

"You're right. " Black said. "They're so happy together. " Smiled at the sight of his friends. "I'm happy too. " He looked at McAllister again. "I'm glad I have you. " Added with a smile that Katie reciprocated.

Teenager blushed a bit and then cuddled up more with her beloved and continued dancing with him.

As it happens at weddings, it was time for a few games, so Remus went to the middle and began to explain the rules of the first game.

" Ladies and Gentlemen! " Lupin calledd. "Now we'll ask for five pairs to the competition! " Said, to which Sirius and Katie exchanged glances.

"We going? " McAllister asked.

"Of course. " Black replied, amused.

The pair joined first, and after a few minutes everyone was gathered, then Remus explained the next rules of the game.

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