29. A letter

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Katie was on her way with the other Marauders from Professor McGonagall. The woman wanted to catch them and give them punishment for another joke.

"We split up! " James screamed.

"Go! Go! Go! " Sirius laughed and after a while all five of them split up and hid so that teacher wouldn't find them.

After a few minutes, the matter quieted down a bit and Katie slowly came out of hiding. Girl laughed slightly and then moved forward towards the dormitory. After a while she heard that her owl was coming, so she looked in her direction.

"Hedwig. " Smiled, and a second later the bird was already sitting on her hand. Gryff Girl unhooked the letter and let her bird companion fly away. "Is it another letter from my grandmother?" She turned the package facing herself and was speechless. "What...?" Girl was even more surprised. "Is this supposed to be a joke?"

McAllister thoughtfully moved forward, and a moment later collided with someone's body. As she looked up, she saw McGonagall's nervous face.

"Umm professor, p-professor McGonagall..."Katie laughed nervously.

"Well, we already have a complet. " Teacher pointed to the rest of the Marauders, which she had already managed to catch. "Follow me, Mrs. McAllister. " She said and led the rest behind her to her office.

All five were punished. They had extra classes and had to clean the school for a long time. Professor was in a better mood, otherwise she would have given them a much worse punishment.

When things calmed down a bit, Katie sat down in an Astronomical Tower and unpacked the letter. She wasn't surprised by the fact that it was addressed to her, she was more surprised by it... That the sender was herself. She could also say with certainty that it was her handwriting. Nobody faked it. Girl developed it and began to read its contents.


I don't even know how to call you now. After all, I write to myself.

Anyway, I'll say right away that this is not a joke, not this time. This time, you're really reading a letter from yourself. It's a letter from a fairly distant future, and since you're reading it right now, it means that my future has been destroyed even more than before. It's also possible that I'm no longer in it. I'm not surprised by this fact, I expected what could come, so I decided to take matters into my own hands.

Don't think you're crazy, because you're not. For example, if you get this letter on the right day, today McGonagall grabbed me and the rest of Marauders for another joke. As a punishment, she sent us to more additional lessons and we had to clean the school. Yes, I know what's going to happen because I've already experienced it. I'm surprised that I remember some moments so well. Now let's get to the point...

You get this letter because the future in which I lived has been completely destroyed. I've lost everything I loved, and now... I want to fix it. I mean, if you don't want these tragedies to happen again, you have to do what I ask you to do.

Listen... I remember those school times very well, therefore... I know you love Sirius, you love him so much. Don't tell yourself otherwise, because it's not. And what's better, Pads loves you too. This may come as a shock to you right now, but it's the truth. I know how much you care about him and I know you don't want to lose him... Neither him nor anyone else' ...

In the future in which I lived... A few people from those school years are no longer with me. Include Sirius.

Everything happened so suddenly, it was too fast, I couldn't do anything about it, so if I didn't do anything then, now I can... You can.

Soon you'll have classes with Dumbledore and it was at that moment that I came up with a certain, quite unusual idea. Professor told us about time travel and very old magic that helped some wizards change the course of events. After class, I went to him and asked him about everything. Dumbledore told me that he himself had learned one of these magic tricks a long time ago. The trick was this... To send something back to the past. They couldn't be people, such magic required much longer years of practice, but the one he taught me I learned in less time. I worked hard, but it was worth it. That's why you're holding this letter in your hand right now.

I won't be able to tell you literally everything that's going to happen, because I don't want to mess up so much in the future or take away moments that I may never experience again. So, Katie, I'll be honest with you now...

In my future, Sirius died before my eyes... James and Lily also met a similar fate, as did Zoe... And as for Peter... I'll slowly explain everything to you in the appropriate letter, for the next days.

So I have a request, or rather I beg you to do everything in your power to prevent these catastrophes. Otherwise, believe me, you won't get up after what happens.

Zoe will be the first to die... She will commit suicide in front of my eyes, I couldn't protect her then, so you must change it now. Zoe's life is very important, not only for me, but also for Peter. That's where it all started... After her death, Wormtail was never himself again, and what's worse... Well, I'll tell you about it later.

In two days, Zoe will try to commit suicide on an Astronomical Tower. You have to do everything you can to prevent this. Literally everything!

Otherwise... Our further fate will be in question. I beg you once again, do everything in your power to prevent this!

In the following days you'll receive more letters, I ask you to believe my words and do exactly what I ask you to do in them. If you don't, you'll painfully see again what it's like to lose a loved one... I don't want to relive it...

If my plan is successful, then we'll see each other in the new and good future that we have always dreamed of.

One more important thing, I ask you not to tell anyone about the letters for the time being. I'm afraid this could destroy everything, so until we fix what's broken down, keep everything a secret.

Good luck."

Young Gryff Girl cried while reading this letter. It was hard to believe that it was all true, but inside she felt it wasn't a lie. She had to do everything to prevent these tragedies. This cannot happen again, girl didn't want to watch death of any of her friends.

"Kitty...? " Suddenly, Sirius appeared out of nowhere. "You're crying?" He looked at her worried. "What happened?" Asked right away.

Brunette quickly hid the letter and then ran to Padfoot and hugged him tightly. Marauder was surprised at the gesture, but of course he hugged her back.

"Kitty? " Black asked worriedly. "What happened?"

"Nothing." she whispered. "I'm just glad you're here." Added, and cuddled to him more. She was hurt by the fact that she could no longer feel the warmth and arms of Sirius embracing her from the future. Girl couldn't allow his death.

Padfoot smiled warmly, then stroked girl's back and rested his beard on her head.


I made the trailer myself.

*Mischief Managed*

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