16. Order of the Phoenix

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It's been a week since Katie returned to Hogwarts. McAllister learned of several events that occurred during her absence. Hard times had come and war was probably in the making. Lord Voldemort was said to have declared himself the Dark Lord. He wanted to take over the wizarding world with his army of followers and then create a new order in which pure blood would rule, and Muggles equated with them would serve pure-blood families. To achieve their goals, the Death Eaters and their allies began attacking Muggles and sowing chaos. They also attacked Muggle-born and blood traitors. Other magical beings, considered inferior by The Death Eaters, i.e. House-elves, who were treated as pests or goblins, also suffered from war. In addition, Bellatrix and her companions disappeared from school. No one knew what had happened or where they had gone.

Katie was sitting on the Astronomy Tower again. She leaned her elbows against the railing and looked at the landscape right in front of her. The teenager was still very much affected by the death of her grandmother, fortunately thanks to the friends who surrounded her, it was a bit easier for her from day to day. Girl knew that she had their support, she was very grateful to them for it.

"How did I know I'd find you here? " She suddenly heard Black's voice behind her, to which she smiled under her breath.

"Maybe you saw me on the map. " She said and looked at him with a smile, which he reciprocated.

"Maybe. " He approached her and leaned against the railing. "In the end, it always pulls me where you are. " Glanced at friend. "How are you feeling?" Asked with concern.

"Better " Replied. "Thanks to you. " Added and then took a deep breath. "Do you think there will really be a war? " She glanced at Padfoot.

"I think it is seems like it. " Replied and sighed. "It seems that the worst is yet to come. " Said. "I can't believe we're going to finish school soon. "

"Right. " Katie said. "What will we do after that...? " McAllister wondered.

"I've heard something about some organization founded by Dumbledore. " Black said, which caught the brunette's attention. "He founded it to fight the Dark Lord. Order of the Phoenix... I guess that's what it's called. Maybe after graduation we will join them? All of us, our pack, what do you say? " He looked at Katie.

Girl smiled and then nodded.

"I think this is a very good idea. "

Another day came. Katie was just going to class with Peter. Witch thought about her conversation with Black, she woke up only when Pettigrew poked her a bit.

"Sorry, what did you say? " She asked confused.

"I asked if you finally talked to Sirius?" Repeated which greatly surprised her.

"About what? " She asked confused.

"Well, I don't know. " Boy replied. "He talks about you all the time, and since he kissed you, the eater doesn't shut up at all. " She froze and stood still after that words.

So they also know... Brunette blushed a bit.

"What? " Wormtail glanced at shocked girl.

"And what did he say...? " She asked uncertainly, but didn't receive an answer, because the lesson began.

What did Sirius tell them? Why did he keep talking about her? Or did he kiss her not only because of Norman's? Katie didn't know what to think anymore. Now she began to wonder if she would like Sirius to kiss her only because of Norman's, or if she would prefer something else behind it.

Gryff GIirl sighed heavily and then put her head on the bench.

"Miss McAllister! " Shouted the teacher as a result of which the girl jumped up. "Are you listening to me? ".

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