25. Murderer in the wild

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Harry's third year at Hogwarts was about to begin when shocking news reached Katie. Sirius escaped from Azkaban. Nobody knew how he did it, he was the first to do something like that. Wizards from the Ministry of Magic said that Black escaped to finish what he had started. They said Sirius want to kill young Potter. Katie didn't believe a single word of them, but young Potter hadn't yet know the whole truth. Boy doesn't know that Black is his godfather, he doesn't know what Katie had in common with him. Girl wanted to tell him everything, but she didn't know how to do it, and she decided to refrain from it, because thanks to this ignorance, Harry was safe. Now that could change.

McAllister was sitting on the train to Hogwarts and thinking about it all. She dreamed of meeting her beloved but didn't know when or if it would happen at all. Dumbledore knows what she had in common with the Marauders, and above all with Sirius Black, but man trusted her, Grff Girl was still a teacher at Hogwarts.

Katie sighed heavily, and moments later she heard loud noises coming from the back. As she ran out into the hallway, Hermione ran to her and said that Harry had been attacked by dementor. Terrified brunette immediately went to the place where young wizard was, and there she met someone she didn't expect.

"Remus? " She looked at her friend.

"Hello, Katie. " He replied with a nice smile. "Don't worry, he's fine. " Pointed to sleeping Potter. "He should wake up soon. "

McAllister knelt beside the unconscious boy and brushed a lock of hair off his forehead.

"Harry? "She asked worriedly. "Can you hear me?"

After a few minutes, young Gryff Boy woke up and looked shocked at Katie.

"K-Katie...? " He asked uncertainly.

"Yes, it's alright now. " Replied, she was relieved when she saw that boy was fine.

"Here, eat. " Lupin handed him a piece of chocolate. "You'll feel better. " Added with a nice smile. Harry glanced at Katie insecurely, but as she nodded, boy took gift and started eating chocolate.

"What was it...? " Potter asked, confused. "This creature... "

"It was Dementor, one of the guards from Azkaban, but it's gone now." Remus explained. "Is searching the trade for Sirius Black." He added and exchanged glances with McAllister. "Excuse me, I have to talk with the driver. " Said and left.

Katie stood up and glanced at Potter again.

"Eat, you will feel better. " Girl said. "I'll be back in a moment. " Added and then followed her friend. "Remus! " She stopped Lupin.

Moony looked at her and smiled nicely.

"Long time no see. " He said with a smile.

"Yes..." Girl admitted. "Listen... "

"We'll talk about it later. " Marauder interjected. "Now take care of Harry and I'll talk to the driver. " Added, then moved forward, and McAllister returned to Potter.


Everyone was already at Hogwarts, and after the director's speech, young Harry went to his godmother, wanted to talk to her. So he knocked on her room, and when he heard the permission, he went inside.

"Ooh, Harry... " Katie put books aside. "Something happened?" Asked worriedly.

"I wanted to ask you something." Said, and came closer. "Everyone has been talking about it lately, and I'd like to talk to you. I talk to you best. " He added with a smile, which she reciprocated.

"Is it about Sirius Black? " She guessed, and boy nodded.

"Who is he really are? Will he come here to kill me? " Harry asked what brunette sighed heavily at.

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