11. Confession and Request

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Christmas was approaching. One morning in mid-December, Hogwarts awoke covered in a thick layer of snow. The lake froze for good, and James and Sirius were punished for enchanting the dozen snow pills that were chasing Filch.

Each year, twelve fir trees were brought to the Great Hall at Hogwarts by Hagrid. Then they were decorated by professor Flitwick and professor McGonagall, incl. with tiny icicles, candles or golden baubles. The walls were decorated with thick festoons of holly and mistletoe. Warm and dry snow was falling from the ceiling during the holidays. The railings by the stairs were decorated with non-melting icicles. For the festive season, armor in the corridors was enchanted in such a way that they would sing Christmas carols. Albus Dumbledore changed his pointed tiara for a surprise candy hat every year for the dinner party.

This year the Marauders returned to their family homes for Christmas. Sirius, due to his family troubles, had been returning with James to his family home for several years. Black was always welcome there, he lived with them, he was just like a member of their family, and the boys themselves were as close as brothers.

Today is the day theye go home. The students packed their things and then went to the train. At the station they said goodbye to Hagrid and then went inside and took their places.

"Just don't forget about us during the holidays." Potter laughed and looked at Katie and Lily sitting across from him. He and the redhead were talking to each other normally, and from what McAllister hearned from Evans, girl wanted to talk to him honestly at Christmas time, when they were home.

"How could we do that? There's no chance that we forget about you." Katie replied amused.

"We'll meet when you have time while this free time?" Padfoot put in with a smile.

"Ooh, that's a good idea." Prongs backed him. "We can spend New Year's Eve together." He looked at his friends. "What do you say?"

"Yeah, sure, why not." Lupin replied with a smile.

"Girls? What abou you?" James looked at them.

The Gryffindors exchanged glances.

"I'm in!" McAllister replied.

"Me too." Lily smiled.

"Great." Black folded his hands behind his head.

"But where?" Remus interjected.

"At our home." Potter announced. It was nice to hear that when he said "us" he meant at home Sirius's and James's.

"And it's all clear." Padfoot sat more comfortably. "Wormtail, you'll come, won't you?" He looked at his friend looking out the window.

Peter looked at him.

"I'll try to." He replied indifferently and then returned to his previous activity.

Sirius was greatly concerned about his behavior, and so were the others.

"Peter, my friend, listen..." Black rested his elbows on his knees and looked at Pettigrew once more. "I know what's on your heart. Talk to us, complain if you want to... We're friends after all, don't forget that you haven't lost us." Added which caught the attention of the blond boy.

Peter looked Sirius in the eye for a moment, then said indifferently:

"Sure." Sighed and looked at the window again. "Thanks." Added a bit coldly, at which Sirius and Remus exchanged glances.


After driving for a few hours, Katie finally returned to her home. On the platform, her grandmother Thefany greeted her warmly. The woman missed her granddaughter a lot and it was mutual. After walking for a few minutes, both women were at home. It was small, but very cozy. Teenager went to unpack and then returned to her grandmother, who was just taking out the cookies from the oven. Girl smiled when she saw her pastries and then looked at the owls sitting next to them. One belonged to her grandmother and the other belonged to her. The brunette stroked them both.

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