31. Conflicted Brothers

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In fact, reconciling Sirius with Regulus won't be so easy. Oh, it won't.

Katie wanted to catch Padfoot somewhere and ask him about his brother, but she couldn't find him anywhere. After a few minutes of searching, she finally found him.

"Sirius! " She ran up to him, and boy, hearing her voice, stopped and looked at her.

"What's up? " Asked and smiled nicely at her.

" Can I ask you something? " Katie asked uncertainly.

"Sure, go ahead. " He grinned his teeth.

"Just don't be angry. "She said right away.

"At you? " Looked at companion. "Never. " Replied with a smile, which she reciprocated.

"Listen..." She began hesitantly. "Remember when you told me about your brother?" Asked and glanced at Marauder, who nodded. "Didn't you think about coming to terms with him? I know what you've been through..." Added as soon as she saw his expression. "But that's your brother after all. You know... From my observations, it seems that he is not such a bad guy... " Glanced uncertainly at Padfoot. "He's just lost and lonely." Black looked at her. "I think he just needs someone... Who will lead him out of all this... Someone who will show him the right way. "She dared to look into Black's eyes. "Someone like, for example, his own brother. " Smiled palely.

"Why are you talking about him so suddenly? " He asked sadly.

"That's a secret. " She smiled feistily, to which Marauder only shook his head. "You know what I think?" Looked into boy's eyes. "I think you miss him. " Said, which shocked Gryff Boy. "You said you were close long time ago... Your relationships have mainly changed because of the views of your parents... "Said thoughtfully. "In my opinion, your parents put too much emphasis on you... You managed to get away from it, but Regulus didn't. " Glanced at Pads again. "And that's why boy went a little astray. " Sirius listened carefully to her every word. "I think if someone like you.... Extended a helping hand to him... Your brother would see through his eyes and... He would be himself again, and you..."Smiled pale. "You would get your brother back. " Added.

"You surprise me. " Marauder shook his head. "I told you that... "

"I know. " Brunette interrupted him. "But it's always worth a try, isn't it? Better late than never. It's better to get along with him now than never to do it and regret it for the rest of your life... And life is one big puzzle... And sometimes... We may not even have a chance to apologize. " She looked into his eyes.

Gryff Girl hoped that she had reached one of the brothers at least a little. She had no way to talk to the other, but she devised a plan. In her letter, she had a precise date on which Regulus would offer Sirius cooperation. He'll want Marauder to join him, to go to the dark side. To prevent all this, the most important thing was that brothers reconciled before younger of them joined the ranks of the Death Eaters. Katie found out from the future around what time Regulus joined Voldemort, she described it in detail in a letter so that she had a chance to fix everything. Brothers had to talk to each other as soon as possible. Deep down, McAllister only prayed that Padfoot wouldn't be offended by her, for what she had invented. However, she hoped that if she could reconcile them, everything would end well.

McAllister wrote a note to Regulus and tossed it to him in her spare time. She wrote on it the place and time of the meeting, but didn't write with whom boy would meet. With Sirius, on the other hand, she did the same, but persuaded him that she wanted to meet him. It turned out that both brothers came to the agreed place, and there, they met someone they didn't expect. Themselves. The Black Brothers. What will come of this now?

"What are you doing here? " Padfoot asked dryly.

" I could ask you the same thing. " Younger brother replied.

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