6. Quarrel

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"Hey, hey, hey ..." James greeted everyone in the common room cheerfully. "What's up folks? Exactly, Kitty..." He looked at his friend who was just finishing brushing Lily. "Zoe asked me to call you." Added and Katie nodded her head. The girl finished her friend's hairstyle and then went to Zoe waiting for her.

"Hi." She smiled pleasantly. "What's up?"

"Can we talk?" Asked stressed. "I'd like you to advise me on something."

"Sure." McAllister put her arm around her companion and went with her to their favorite place, they always stayed there. And that was exactly what the Astronomy Tower was.

The girls leaned against the railings and began a conversation.

"What did you want to talk about?" Katie glanced at the blonde.

The other was a bit stressed, ran her hand through her hair and looked straight ahead.

"Tell me..." She began hesitantly. "What is it like to fall in love...?"

McAllister was very surprised by the question.

"Honey, I think you're asking the wrong person." The brunette looked at her companion.

"But you've had a lot of boyfriends, and you seem to be dating one now." Zoe remarked.

"Yes, I know." Gryff Girl replied and looked at the landscape in front of her. "I've been with a lot of guys, but I don't know anything about love." Sighed. "I don't know what it's like to fall in love." Said, then sighed and looked at Zoe.

"Because you know..." Continued uncertainly. "Peter and I got even closer to each other and .. I think I fell in love with him... He is a really nice boy, he always shows up when I need him... And when I see him, my heart somehow it suddenly speeds up." She blushed a bit. "Recently, Peter told me he liked me and said how he felt about me..." Katie smiled at the words. "I was so surprised that I couldn't say anything. He said he would give me time to think things over and we were to meet today."

McAllister rested one hand on the railing and studied Zoe.

"Tell him how you feel." Gryff Girl siad. "Just like you told me now. You won't be disappointed with him, believe me. Peter is a good guy and he really cares about you. Admit your feelings, you'll see that you won't regret it." Katie smiled pleasantly. "We both went through a lot of unpleasant days, but now it's over." She put her hands on Zoe's shoulders. "You deserve happiness, I believe that you'll find them with this crazy Marauder." She smiled. "End of tears, start living again and don't you dare give up on me."

Zoe had a hard time from the very beginning. Even before school at Hogwarts, other people teased her terribly, and Katie always stood up for her, supported her, and was there when she needed her. Zoe was also supportive of McAllister. They had both experienced unpleasant days, and now they hoped that their lives would change for the better.

Gryff Girl hugged her younger friend.

"Do you really think it gets better now...?" The blonde whispered.

"I hope so." Witch replied. "Don't think about what was, focus on what is and what will be." She smiled warmly at Zoe. "Peter and you will be a great couple, I have been cheering for you from the beginning. Now it'll only get better, you'll see." Said. "And maybe then you will tell me what it's like to fall in love, huh?"

"Of course." The blonde replied shyly. "But I think it is much more difficult to put into words. This will be easier for you to understand when you finally fall in love with someone." Said. "I hope it will happen soon." Added with a slight smile.

"It won't happen soon." Gryff Girl laughed. "If something like this happens at all, but well, time will tell." She smiled.


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