Anti Fanservice - 4

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[ Talk to me ]

Hyunjin couldn't believe what Minho assumed. How can he say things like that? They both know Changbin isn't that kind of person. Or atleast Hyunjin doesn't think of Changbin that way.

"He's been so clingy to you since forever. I thought he finally had enough and just jumped on you." Minho stated, uninterested in Hyunjin's reaction. "Sure he loves joking with me but he never crosses the line, hyung. Don't think of him that way." The younger is pissed. His lingering feelings doesn't stop him from getting mad at the older because he just insulted his mentor since trainee days.

"Fine. Then tell me why you cried." Minho looked up and watched the young part timer place the food Hyunjin ordered earlier. "It doesn't concern you. Let's just eat." Minho but his lip as he looked outside. Yes, he did cross the line with his question.

He couldn't help but look at the younger through the glass, shoving food in his cheeks. Unknowingly, he smiled. He loves watching his members eat- especially Hyunjin and Jisung.

"Didn't you order something hyung?" Minho was brought back from his daydreaming and shook his head. "I'm full." Hyunjin tilted his head and frowned. "Why did you invite me out then?"

"Because I was worried." Minho mumbled, avoiding the younger's gaze. He doesn't often show it and when he does, the members just questions his intentions. "Oh." Hyunjin wiped his lips with the napkin the food chain provided. "I'm fine." He assured the older.

Minho waited for Hyunjin to finish his food while he thinks if he should bring it up or not. Considering how much he hated the question earlier, Minho is now afraid Hyunjin will hold a grudge on him.

But he is Lee Know.

"Hyunjin. Should we change dorms?" He blurted. Lee Know is straightforward. The younger parted his lips open just to close them again. Unable to reply or speak what's on his mind, Minho assumed the younger doesn't want to.


Minho raised his head and shrugs. Even if he's straightforward, he just can't disclose why he wants to change dorms with the younger. It's more complicated than that.

"Oh- OH!" Hyunjin giggled and playfully slammed his palm on their table, his laughs getting louder. "What-" Minho gulped, his eyes shaking as he looks at the taller across him. "You want to be with Hannie!"

Minho sighed in relief and nodded in response. Yes. That's the reason. He rubbed his own chest and laughed along with Hyunjin. "Yes, that's why. You're the only one I can ask because you know, they're 3racha. They're inseparable." Hyunjin nodded and looked down on his empty fry box.

It's empty yet he's trying to get an imaginary fry out. Swallowing the forming bump on throat, Hyunjin forced himself to smile- faking his crescent eyes.

It's okay. You're okay. Hyunjin soothed himself, calming himself down and prevents himself from breaking down right infront of the person he likes. Why does he ask this question at this time? When I'm this vulnerable when it comes to him.

"I need to pee." Hyunjin excused himself and stumbled his way to the bathroom, getting in one of the stalls and sat on the toilet's lid.

Minho on the other hand, ruffled his hair out of frustration. Groaning at his lame excuse to change dorms with Hyunjin. Of course his reason is different but it's the only way he can convince the younger to change dorms with him without raising suspicions.

Beep beep

Minho checked his phone and reads Felix's message asking as to where he is and Changbin is in their dorm, finding Hyunjin.

He's with me. We'll be back in a couple of hours.


He checked the time and it's now 6:47. It's rare for them to get a day off and he wants to spend time with Hyunjin knowing the boy is probably in a difficult place.

10 minutes has passed and Hyunjin hasn't come back yet. With Minho's steady feet, he entered the restroom silently, checking the stalls.

He turned his head to the nearest one to the wall after hearing a sniffle. Is he crying again? He slowly walked towards the stall and knocked on the door. "Hyunjin?"

The boy behind the stall covered his mouth as he let his tears run down his cheeks. Trying to be silent. "Open the door, Hyunjin. Let's talk about what's going on with you." The younger shook his head as if Minho could see him.

"I'm fine, hyung." He said, trying his damn best to keep his voice as stable as possible. But Minho knows better. "Should I ask the staff here to open it for me or are you going to let me in?"

The door creaked open. Seeing the younger's body shaking slightly broke Minho's heart. Hyunjin suffered so much these past few years and the older is sure how much those hate comments affected his fellow member- even though Hyunjin doesn't share his feelings well.

"Hyunjin-ah." Minho called out as he lowered his body to face Hyunjin. The older's hands neatly placed and the younger's forearms. "You can talk to me." Minho assured him.

The younger sniffed and stared down at Minho's eyes. The eyes that makes him crazy. A pair of eyes that makes his heart do acrobatics and gymnastics inside of him. Eyes that doesn't look at him the way he does.

"Hyung. What does it feel like to love someone?" Minho was shocked at Hyunjin's question. Why is he asking this? Does he like Changbin? Of course he does- I mean he got so mad at me earlier—— Minho's thoughts were cut of when Hyunjin whispered sorry under his breath. "It feels wonderful." Minho answered. Emotionless.

Hyunjin bitterly smiled and nodded as he raised his hand and wiped his tears away from his cheeks. "It must be nice to love someone without feeling any pain. Just like you and Jisung." Minho's eyes twitched at what he heard. What is he talking about?

Minho who is murdering Changbin in his mind because of his trait to overthink and over analyze things. He assumes Changbin rejected Hyunjin and he is so ready to smack the hell out of the younger.

"You should stop loving this person, Hyunjin-ah."

Anti Fanservice [A HyunHo Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now