Anti Fanservice - 18

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[ Your choice ]

Hyunjin remained quiet as Minho finished his meal. Their tragic meal. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Minho was supposed to spoil and baby Hyunjin the entire day. He was supposed to give him his gift but he can't do that now because it's all ruined. Everything is ruined.

"We're you satisfied with the food?" Minho asked softly, placing down his fork. "Yes." Hyunjin stood up and fished his wallet from his pocket then went straight to the register.

Minho gulped and looked down on his hand. Looks like he's the only one who is going to wear their couple ring from now on because he never got the chance to give it to the younger. "Hyung, I already paid. Let's go home? It's getting chilly." The older nodded, his eyes turning gray. His entire body feels numb. It's like he can't feel a thing. Is this what heartbreak is?

The two rode Minho's car. The ride was filled with silence. It wasn't awkward, it's just... empty. "Why?" Hyunjin looked at Minho who is focused on the road. "Huh?" Minho tightened his grip on the steering wheel as they entered a dark tunnel. "Am I not good enough?"

Hyunjin choked on his own saliva. How could Minho think that? Even if he wants to tell the older how he came up with his decision, he can't. Because he knows Minho will sacrifice everything for him. That's how Minho is.

"I just.. I think it was just a crush.." Hyunjin was trying so hard not to back out from his decision. He was trying so hard not to engulf his now ex boyfriend in his arms. "You shouldn't have said you love me then." Minho's voice was low. It's like he's stopping himself from shouting. "It was my mistake."

He could hear Minho's breath hitched then felt the cold air hitting his face. The older has rolled down the windows of the car.

When they got out of the tunnel, It's like the sky is feeling Minho's emotions. It was so dark like it's already night. Raindrops then started pouring but Minho kept the windows open, his sunglass covering his eyes. "Hyung, we're getting wet." Minho sped up, biting his lower lip as he tried to stop his hands from shaking. "You're so cruel."

Hyunjin frowned at Minho's words. Him? Cruel? After all the things he did for them? He can't stop himself feeling like shit. It's unfair. How is it that every decision he makes is cruel for everybody else? "Shut up."

Minho stopped the car at a bus stop and glared at Hyunjin. It's not like the younger could see his eyes but he can definitely feel it. "Who gave you the right to play with my emotions, Hwang Hyunjin? Was it because I was so into you that you decided to play with me!?" Minho snapped. All his frustrations forming into a very toxic bubble inside of him. "What!? I'm breaking up with you because it's for the best! It's not like we're dating for years! IT'S ONLY BEEN 100 DAYS HYUNG! You're being over dramatic."

Minho couldn't believe what he was hearing. Is this really Hwang Hyunjin? "Only? Oh right." Minho laughed bitterly, pushing his hair back as tears starts forming on his eyes. When did he start to look out for Hyunjin again? When did he love Hyunjin again? It was so long ago that he didn't realize it was only him. Hyunjin never looked at him the same way as he does. Not before, not now.

"Those 100 days were the best days of my life, Hyunjin. Even if I only communicated with you through video calls, it was enough for me. It was enough to be the best day for me. Don't you fucking tell me 'only' when you don't even feel the same way. Are you happy now? Are you overjoyed? You already did damage, is it enough now? Isn't this your goal from the start?" Minho bawled his eyes out as he lets put his frustrations. Hyunjin never knew how important those days with Hyunjin was to Minho. He'll never understand anything.

Hyunjin closed his eyes tight as he clenched his fists on his lap. "You sound like a teenager. Grow up hyung." He mumbled and grabbed Minho's hand, pulling out the ring he has been noticing since earlier. Of course he knew it's their supposed to be couple rings. He saw the small red box bulging out on Minho's pocket.

"What are you doing? Give that back- HYUNJIN!" Minho screamed when Hyunjin threw the ring out over the railing where the beach is. "You don't need it anymore. You'll just be a teenager again if you keep wearing it."

Minho immediately got of out the car, the rain soaking him almost immediately. All he could see was wet sand and the rising waves of the sea. "Hyunjin. Go back to Seoul first." Minho handed over the key to Hyunjin and rushed down the steps to the shore, getting his phone out and turns on his flashlight.

"Hyung!? COME BACK HERE! Why are you being like this!? Hyung—" Hyunjin sighed as he looked at the time. It was 3:45 pm. According to the GPS, it'll take them about 1 hour to reach their dorm. Why did you have to do it, Hyunjin? Do you want him to hate you that much? Hyunjin buried his face on his palms and started sobbing.

Saying words you don't mean, lying about your feelings to the person you love, destroying the person you love eye to eye was never Hyunjin's thing but he still did it and he would do it over and over again if it means they'll never be apart. He was willing to sacrifice everything for Minho's dreams while Minho was willing to sacrifice everything even his dreams for Hyunjin.

"HYUNG, I'M GOING!" Hyunjin shouted and hopped onto the driver's seat. Will he really leave Minho alone here? Is this what he would do to Minho? "Hate me as much as you can, hyung." Hyunjin mumbled to himself and started driving away.

Anti Fanservice [A HyunHo Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now