Anti Fanservice - 5

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[ Accident ]

"You think so?" Hyunjin asked, voice as silent as the ventilator in the room. "Yes. If you're suffering this much- Just let it go." Minho gently held the younger's hands and squeezes them, giving him a small smile.

Hyunjin bit his inner cheek, his heart throbbing faster at their skin's contact. Warm.. He thought, squeezing back the older's hands. "I-I'll miss daydreaming over him but you're right. It's not healthy." Minho's heart broke for Hyunjin. The boy is already vulnerable enough and to add this much pain into him, it's too much for Minho to witness.

"Do you want to go home now?" Minho asked and Hyunjin nodded. His phone has been vibrating for quite a while now, Changbin calling him nonstop while he's being dramatic in the stall. "I'm sure they're worried. We have to tell them about you moving in and me moving out too." He let Minho wipe his tears and sighed when the older kissed his forehead lightly.

"Let's go."

When they arrived at Hyunjin's dorm, the lights were on and Hyunjin knows the other members are supposed to have a meeting at the company before 7.

"Hyung. I think someone's inside." He whispered, letting Minho pull him back and hid behind his hyung's frame. "Maybe it's just Chan." The older soothed Hyunjin, not trying to scare him more.

Minho stepped in cautiously without letting go of Hyunjin's wrist. "Chan?" He called out, loud enough for the person inside to hear. "Hannie?" He called out again, and finally the mysterious person came out from the kitchen. "Jinnie! You're back!" Changbin greeted and jumped on the taller behind Minho.

Minho rolled his eyes and lets go of Hyunjin's wrist. "Hyung- You didn't go with Chan hyung and Han?" Hyunjin asked, confusedly. "No. You bastard! Why did you sneak out like that!?" Hyunjin groaned when Changbin hits his head gently. "I was so worried. You wouldn't even pick up your phone."

"I'm sorry hyung. You were sleeping so soundly I didn't want to wake you up." Hyunjin stated causing for Minho to think they slept in the same bed. Peachy. Just peachy. The older thought and excused himself out of the dorm. "See you tomorrow."

Hyunjin grabbed his wrist, stopping him from leaving. "Aren't you going to tell Changbin hyung-" Minho pulled his arm from Hyunjin's grip. The younger lowered his head and bit his lip. "No. It's good."

Changbin and Hyunjin looked at each other as soon as Minho left, his motorbike's engine sound fading. "What happened?" Changbin asked the younger who just shrugged at his question. "He must be hungry." Hyunjin joked and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

Minho went straight to the company to drown himself in his new choreographed dance. Memorizing every step, every beat and listened to the music until the moon replaced the sun.

He was a sweating mess. No one even knows he's in the room alone. "Oh c'mon!" He yelled and threw his messed up shoe. He danced so much the base of his shoe is falling apart.

"Hello?" He heard a voice and a head peeking from the door. "Hyung! I didn't know you're here." Jisung beamed, walking in and sat beside Minho. "I didn't inform anyone. Are you done with your meeting?" The older asked, wiping his sweat with his shirt as he pants. The sore muscles finally getting through him.

"Yeah. It was so boring. All I heard was bla bla bla." Jisung mimicked the voice of the other producer who thinks they know so much more than 2racha. "Silly. You going home soon? Want me to give you a ride?" Jisung nodded immediately and laid his head on the older's lap, closing his eyes. "In 30 minutes."

Felix picked up his phone after the third ring. "Yes?" Minho grumbled on the other line and Felix was unable to understand what he's saying. "What-"

The younger checked his signal if it's okay and it's great actually. "Need you to bring me new shoes."

"Shoes?" Felix asked again. "Yes. I broke mine."

30 minutes has passed and Chan barged in the room where the two are resting, a pair of shoes in his hands. "Where's Felix?" Minho asked him, looking up at Chan. "He said I.N and him are making cookies and he can't leave Jeongin unattended so he asked me to get you a pair of shoes." Chan explained, placing down the shoes on the floor.

"And here I though Jisung went home already." Chan smiled, patting the sleeping boy's head. "Are you going home together? The dorm is probably unlocked. Changbin and Hyunjin are home."

"No shit." Minho mumbled, avoiding the eyes of Chan. He knows the older doesn't like it when they cuss. "Sorry. I'm just annoyed today." Chan nodded, saying he's forgiven Minho. "I'll bring him home. Are you staying here until 2 again?" He asked Chan. "Yes. I have to revise a lot of our songs."

Chan waved goodbye after a few more minutes of small talk and Minho finally decided to wake Jisung up. It's now 10:30 and he's starving. "Hm.." the younger stirred on the older's lap, stretching his arms up as he slowly opens his eyes. "Hi."

Jisung and Minho soon arrived back in the dorm and as expected, the lights are on. Minho didn't want to follow Jisung in but the younger insisted, saying he'll cook for him.

"I'm home~" Jisung greeted, earning the attention of the two men who is in a very weird position. Hyunjin is kneeling on the couch with his legs parted open while Bin's legs are in between Hyunjin's. The younger's hands are firmly holding on to Changbin's broad shoulders while Bin's palms are caressing Hyunjin's hips.

And believe it or not, this is an accident. This wasn't planned nor wanted by them.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" Minho yelled, pulling Hyunjin by his arm causing for the younger to hit his foot on the coffee table.

His grip is tight. Full of rage and it is hurting Hyunjin a lot. "Hyung- Jinnie's close to crying. Let go of him." Jisung begged, trying to separate Hyunjin's arm from Minho's hand.

The oldest male in the room is so focused on Changbin who is yelling at him to let go of Hyunjin but in Minho's mind, Changbin is stealing Hyunjin from him. Yes. He thinks Hyunjin is his.

Anti Fanservice [A HyunHo Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now