Anti Fanservice - 22

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[ He's Mine ]

"Minho! There you are!" Chan grabbed Minho's wrist and dragged him to the changing room so they could change his outfit last minute.

Hyunjin bit his lip as he thought about what Minho said. Is he really willing to risk everything? He looked at the members laughing at each other's pictures. What about them? But what about Hyunjin? He wants Minho. He loves him. Maybe stays will understand him. Maybe.. just maybe there's a positive reaction to their relationship.

"Hyunjin? You looked so great!" Jisung beamed and hugged the taller's neck. "I think I just fell hard." He clutched his chest, dramatically adding sound effects. "Stop being silly." Hyunjin giggled and watched Minho walk up to the stool where he would get his pictures taken. "Show us what you got, Lee Know-ah."

Hyunjin was staring at Minho the entire time. He knew Minho was attractive but why is it that whenever the older smirks a little or just straight up bite his lip, it makes Hyunjin so flustered? "You're so red, hyung.. are you having a fever?" Jeongin asked worriedly, pressing his palm on Hyunjin's forehead. "N-no.. I'm fine."

Changbin and Han looked at eachother before racing back to the dressing room to find a medicine for Hyunjin. "Good work, Minho-ah." Their manager praised Minho. Hyunjin played with his fingers, thinking wether he should go and praise his ex boyfriend too or not. "H-hyung!" Everyone looked at Hyunjin which made the younger self conscious. Their manager smiled, knowing that Hyunjin fought over his advice. Young love. He thought.

"Hm?" Minho smiled at Hyunjin. "G-good work.. Bye!" Hyunjin ran pass Changbin and Han who are both holding a bottle of water and a tablet for fever. "What are you two doing?" Minho asked. "Oh.. Hyunjin had a fever or I think he has.." Changbin explained, shutting up immediately when he realized that Minho is also inlove with Hyunjin. "OR WE THOUGHT HE IS. Don't worry hyung, he's fine." He nervously chuckled and left the group to follow Hyunjin.

"Hi hyung." The younger greeted Changbin who sat beside him on the couch. "Here." Hyunjin frowned as he took the bottle from Changbin's grip. "What is this?" Hyunjin asked.

Changbin laughed and flicked the younger's forehead. "It's water as you can tell. I didn't spike it." The younger pouted his lips as he opened the bottle. "I didn't say you did.."

"GOOD WORK EVERYONE!" The sleeping members were startled by their manager's loud voice as soon as he came into the room. "Ugh.." Seungmin turned around to hug the couch's pillow and went back to sleep while Chan continues to work on their new song. "Why are you all so gloomy!? Oh! There you two are!" Changbin snickered when he saw Minho and Jisung. "Did you sneak out to go on a date?"

Hyunjin raised his brow and unconsciously smacked Changbin's arm. "Ow! What was that for?" Hyunjin crossed his arms and rolled his eyes at Changbin. "We can go on a date too if you like~" He cooed, wrapping his arms around Hyunjin's waist.

"Don't be ridiculous." Minho said calmly but he was definitely growling. "Move." Jisung sat in between Hyunjin and Changbin, now he is the one clinging onto Hyunjin's waist. "Give me that." Minho grabbed the water bottle from Hyunjin's hand.

The younger was confused. He hasn't even taken a sip yet. "That's Hyunjin's hyung! Get your own!" Changbin whined, trying to get back the bottle from his co member. "If people would just shut up for once!!" Seungmin yelled. Jeongin laughed at his misery along with Chan. "What's wrong with Seungmin?" Felix asked.

"It's the time of the month." The youngest of the group replied, throwing a pillow at the sleeping boy. "Don't make me touch you today, Jeongin."

"That's enough." Their manager smiled at them with his hands clasped together. "Let's go have a meal! With the staffs of course!" Chan looked at their manager suspiciously. "Are we doing that mission thing again?"


"CHEERS!" Everyone took a shot of whiskey that was disguised as just juice for the audience. Seungmin, I.N and Felix were the only ones who didn't drink because it upsets their stomachs the most.

"We were really sad when Straykids weren't able to shoot with us last week. Good thing it's all right now!" One of the staffs from the cometic company shared, laughing with Skz's managers. "Just some minor problems."

Jisung kept scrolling through his instagram feed while eating his small portions of meat. "What are you doing?" Chan asked who is sitting beside him. "I'm about to eat with stays." Jisung said, raising his phone up to take a picture of their food. "Oh nice! Me too."

Felix and Jeongin are giggling like teenagers as they continued to tease Seungmin for being the current girl of the group having his time of the month. "I will sew your mouths shut, I swear to God." Seungmin threatened with his fork. With his face looking like a puppy, it didn't really intimidate anyone.

"We would actually like to talk about shooting by pair. What do you think?" Another staff from the company asked Skz's manager. "We already settled with JYP but he asked us to formally ask the members for their opinion." Stray kids' manager nodded and looked at the members who are slightly tipsy, bickering and acting like children. "Well.. if you're going to ask, this is the bestest time. They're not in their right mind."

Changbin tickled Hyunjin's side causing for the younger to lean back on Minho who is silently drinking his 5th glass. "It's so hot, move." Minho was annoyed and pushed Hyunjin's arm gently. "I'm sorry hyungie~" yeah. Hyunjin is definitely out of it. "It's all your fault Changbin hyung. We should shhh~" Hyunjin pressed his finger on his own lips as he leaned on Changbin's shoulder, nuzzling his nose against the older's neck.

Minho didn't miss the flush on Changbin's cheeks. Of course everyone likes Hyunjin that way. What is he even thinking? "Minho-ah? What do you think? You're most comfortable with Jisung so maybe you two should do the couple photoshoot first? Stays will love it too." The staff from the company smiled at the tipsy boy. "Yeah, sure."

Hyunjin smacked his hands on the table, startling everyone as he glared at the staff. Chan gulped and so did the managers. "No."

Anti Fanservice [A HyunHo Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now