Anti Fanservice - 29

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"Why aren't you saying anything?" Minho asked. They sat on the bench watching the Han river for a couple of hours now, silent. Hyunjin blushed and looked away, embarrassed from his actions earlier in the art gallery. "D-do I have to say something?"

Minho chuckled and Hyunjin found it extremely attractive to the point he wanted to just throw himself to the older. "Normally when you ask someone to be yours and they say yes, they head to the hotel and have sex." Minho explained which made Hyunjin's cheeks just even brighter. "Hyung!"

"Alright, alright. I'm just so curious why you're embarrassed now." Minho scooted closer to Hyunjin and the younger scooted away from Minho at the same time. "It's my first time asking you out." Minho furrowed his brows and scooted closer again, pulling Hyunjin to his chest when the younger almost fell off the bench from scooting away. "Didn't you ask me the first time too?"

Hyunjin could feel the very fast paced heartbeat of his now lover. "I didn't! I just.. you know.. we both confirmed it!" Minho laughed and hugged the younger's head, pressing his ear closer to his chest. "I hear you loud and clear. No need to shout, Hyunjin-ah." When did he start loving the way Minho calls him again? When did he start looking at Minho like he is his world again? He can't remember..

"I'm sorry." Hyunjin mumbled and hugged Minho's waist tightly. Even though he is a few centimeters taller than Minho, he always felt small and protected when the older is around or close to him. "What for?" Minho asked, kissing the top of the younger's head while combing Hyunjin's hair with his fingers.

Even though he indirectly admitted how much he loved the younger's long hair to his members and to Stays, no one seemed to notice. Multiple times on his VLIVE, he tries to sneak in a few easter eggs about Hyunjin's hair and visuals throughout the years. It's quite surprising no one noticed his attraction towards the younger. For real.

"I was the fool who fell for you and dreamed to have you and when I got you, I threw you in the dark- left you in pain.. I'm very sorry.." Minho smiled as he cupped the younger's cheeks and lifted his head to look in his eyes. "We have our ups and downs. It's part of growing up together. Don't be sorry for anything, Hyunjin-ah. It's your mistakes that helps you grow, it's your decisions that makes you who you are and I'm very glad you're my Hwang Hyunjin. Just mine."

Hyunjin sniffed and pressed his lips on Minho's. It was quick and subtle but it was more than enough feelings to convey. Minho felt Hyunjin's heart. "I love you." Minho whispered, caressing the soft cheek of Hyunjin with his thumb. "I always have the moment I met you."




"Breaking news. Two idols from the same group appears to have a more intimate relationship than being friends and co workers. Click the photos for more details."

Jin-Young threw the IPAD on the floor, causing the glass to break and startling SKZ's three managers. "Is this how you handle the boys!? I tried. I tried so fucking hard not to ruin Hyunjin's image once again and what is this!? Are we putting that boy in the same misery again!?" Jin-Young stood up from his swivel chair and grabbed a fistful of his hair, groaning in frustration and anger.

"Stop whatever this is. Stop it now."

Manager one raised his hand, wanting to speak and Jin-Young approved it. "We stopped them but it was only for a short while, sir. It's impossible for them just to stay as friends and co workers." The boss turned his head to look at Manager one. "That's why you are there to keep an eye on them. I don't have a problem if they love each other- fine. They can be in a relationship, fine. BUT KEEP IT CONFIDENTIAL. This is fucking common sense in our work of line!"

Chan on the other hand gathered everyone yet no one has said a word. Just the television with the article frozen in place. "Fuck dispatch." Jisung cursed silently and was comforted by Changbin's hand on his thigh. It could be them someday. "For now, keep a distance from each other especially on events and schedules. Minho should stick with Jisung at all times." Chan has ran out of ideas and the only thing he could do is grants most stays wishes. Minsung to happen.

Hyunjin was shaking, badly. Even though he knows there's no way something could happen between Jisung and Minho he was scared. He was always insecure of their relationship (minsung) and how much support they have if ever.

"But.." Seungmin sighed and stood up. "No buts. None of this would've happened if you stayed with Chan hyung last night. Why on earth did you even go out in a public space without any masks on!?" He was frustrated. He felt like they were running a freaking circus in this group. "Seungmin. It wasn't hi—"

Felix was interrupted by the frustrated member who puts all the blame on Hyunjin. "No. He knows better. He was already in a scandal before and now this? It's like he was asking for it. I get it, we didn't have a proper teenage dream but for fucks sake! It's our job to be careful!"

"Seungmin, that's enough!" Minho warned, standing up as well and hid Hyunjin behind his body. "Oh of course. As if this only affects both of you. Am I the only one in this room who would prefer to keep his job over some stupid romance!? I'm out of here." Seungmin slammed the door close before he could even be stopped by anyone.

Tears running through his cheeks as he walked back to their apartment with his hands in his hoodie pockets. He quite don't understand why he was so angry. Is it because he cares so much for his members? No. It was because he kept his love for Hyunjin deep inside so he could protect him somehow but Minho and Hyunjin chose the suicidal route. "Stupid." He mumbled and opened the empty dorm's door then headed straight to his room where he cried his heart out.

Everything is a mess.

Anti Fanservice [A HyunHo Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now