Anti Fanservice - 10

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[ Ignore me ]

Two weeks has passed and Minho drowned himself in all their schedules, activities and practices. Hyunjin felt the distance between the two of them- Hell, everyone felt it. Everyone noticed it. The way Minho would change places 5 persons away from Hyunjin, the way he never participates in jokes and talks whenever Hyunjin is included. The way he never looked at Hyunjin once. Even Stays noticed how much Minho is distancing himself away from Hyunjin.

Of course, only Chan knew what's happening. He witnessed Minho break down after so many years. "Hey." Jisung greeted as he sat beside the focused dancer. "What's up?" Jisung nudged the older, gaining his attention. Minho hummed in response, obviously tired from all the activities they were doing including his private time with their choreographer. "You're exhausted than usual."

"Thanks, sherlock." Minho chuckled and rested his head on the younger's shoulder, closing his eyes to take a quick nap. Even though there wasn't a conversation, Jisung was happy he made the older feel a little bit loose right then.

Jeongin and Hyunjin are playing mario cart while this was going on. They agreed to forget about the kiss they shared and it was very wrong of them to do. Hyunjin felt so guilty after doing it with Jeongin even though Minho's actions were the cause of it all. He didn't understand why the older has to push him away after pulling him in.

"Hyung, you alright?" Hyunjin hummed in response and yelled in excitement when he beat Jeongin in mario cart while the younger was distracted. "YES!"

"Nooo! Not fair!" Jeongin whined and playfully choked Hyunjin. "You just suck." Hyunjin sticked his tongue out and was startled by the loud and angry voice of Minho. "People are resting in here. Shut up." Jeongin silently apologized and Hyunjin looked down on his lap.

Chan sighed and walked towards Minho who went back to his nap. "Minho. That was uncalled for." The dancer groaned and nuzzled closer to Jisung, ignoring Chan's words. "Leave us be, Jisung."

Chan rubbed the dancer's back as he sat down beside him. "I know you're upset but if you could just-" Minho glared at Chan and pushed him away. "You don't know how it feels. Experience it first before talking shit to me." Minho stood up and grabbed his cap, scaring everyone in the practice room with the way he shut the door close.

Hyunjin wanted to go after him but the older seems to be in a really bad mood. He saw Chan looking at him and quickly avoided eye contact when he looked back. Is it his fault? Does Minho hate him that much?

"I'll go after him." Jisung stopped Changbin who stood up and pulled him back down. "Hyunjin should go." He muttered, looking at the blonde's direction.

Hyunjin looked at Felix then at Jeongin, asking with his eyes if its a good idea. "You'll be fine." Jeongin whispered and encouraged the older to go after the dancer.

It took atleast 7 minutes for Hyunjin to find Minho just sitting on the floor beside the vending machine. His face covered with his cap. "Hyung." Minho's ears perked up when he heard Hyunjin's voice. He really didn't want to be with the younger right now.

"Hyungie." Hyunjin poked the dancer's knee as he sat down close to him. "What do you want, Hyunjin?" The younger bit his inner cheek as he is unsure of what to say. "Just leave me alone." Minho's voice was tired and hoarse.

Minho has been crying for two weeks straight every night, remembering that scene all over again. It's like a nightmare he just can't stop from showing it self.

"Everyone is worried about you." Hyunjin said in a small voice, carefully wrapping his arms around the older's leg and rests his cheek on Minho's knee, looking at his covered face. "What are you doing?" Minho shut his eyes closed, stopping himself from breaking down.

Hyunjin just makes him so emotional. It's his first time falling for someone after all. "I thought this will comfort you a little.."

The younger is still hurt but he doesn't want Minho to stop seeing him as a member, as a friend. "You're so unfair.." Minho whispered, pressing the cap more onto his face as he silently sobbed. "I want to get over you so bad but you're making it so difficult for me." Hyunjin whimpered after hearing the confession. Why? He doesn't want Minho to do that.

"Don't do that hyung. I don't want you to." Hyunjin nuzzled his nose on the older's knee, hugging his leg tighter. "I like you, Hyung.. I love you even so.. so don't push me away." Minho sobbed louder as Hyunjin confessed to him. His chest getting tighter every second that passes.

Flashbacks of Hyunjin kissing Jeongin was on loop in his head. "Liar." Hyunjin raised his head and crawled over to Minho, letting his body fall onto the older's chest. "Why won't you believe me?" Huunjin asked, gently pulling the cap covering the older's face until their eyes finally met.

"I love you even if you pushed me away that day." Hyunjin sadly confessed once again, wrapping his arms around Minho's neck and runs his fingers through the older's hair. "That kiss we shared.. was the best thing that ever happened to me even if you didn't like it." Minho frowned at Hyunjin's way of saying things.

"What- you're the one who kissed Jeongin..." Hyunjin gasped and blushed. "I.. It was because you pushed me away and I was so frustrated with you.. I.. I don't like him that way!" Minho felt silly for being mean to Hyunjin when it was all a misunderstanding in both their parts.

"I loved our kiss as well, Hyunjin-ah. I had to push you away because.. because.. I got turned on." Minho covered half his face with his wrist as he looked away. His ears turning bright red. "W-what!?" Hyunjin is now so flustered, you can feel the heat from his cheeks.

"Unbelievable!" Hyunjin groaned and smacked the older's chest repeatedly. "I swear to God, Lee Minho!" The dancer stopped Hyunjin's smacks by holding both his wrists and kissed the younger's fingertips. "I love you, Hyunjin."

"Y-you better.. hmp!" Hyunjin stood up and stomped his way back to the practice room, running away from Minho who was embarrassed as much as he was.

Anti Fanservice [A HyunHo Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now