Anti Fanservice Special - 3

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[Breakup and Makeup part 2]

Minho lets out an amused chuckle while he stares at his now 'ex' boyfriend laying his head comfortably on his chest as if he wasn't cursing Minho earlier. "So this is what broken up means?" Seungmin asked as he stood still right infront of the couple. "Shut up, you'll wake him up." Seungmin rolled his eyes and pointed at the members who are patiently waiting for Minho and Hyunjin. "Unfortunately for you, your highness. We need to practice." Minho called Jisung over and the younger cheerfully skipped his way to them. "Yes?" Jisung asked, sneakily hugging Seungmin's waist in the process. "Give me that sleeping bag you always carry around."

In a few minutes, Hyunjin is nicely laid down on the couch using Jisung's sleeping bag as a pillow and both Minho and Seungmin's thick coat as his blanket. Seungmin's coat was held hostage. Minho told him he won't participate if he won't lend it to Hyunjin.

Hyunjin rested for two hours while the other members practiced their asses off without music because their personal choreographer (Lee Know) insisted on counting instead so his 'ex' boyfriend could rest properly.

"I can't believe this." Jeongin whined and wiped his sweat off with his shirt. "I want to dance properly hyung!" Minho shushed Jeongin and threw him his bag. "Practice is over. I'm sure three racha are eager to make music anyways. Dismissed." Changbin scoffed and dragged Jisung out with him to go to the 'recording room' which Chan highly doubts he will meet them there.

"Nice! We're getting sundaes." Felix chirped and pulled Jeongin up from his whining while Seungmin followed them like their bodyguard. "Are you really expecting me to go out there without a coat, hyung!?" Seungmin asked in disbelief. "Love can kill you!" He added and stormed out of the practice room while Minho rolled his eyes at how gently Seungmin slammed the door. It didn't even make a sound.

Hyunjin was enjoying his dream when he felt a pair of lips smothering his face with kisses causing him to groan and stretch his arms up. "Stop~" Hyunjin whined and tried to push the face away from his without opening his eyes as he's still hoping to continue the dream he had.

"Baby it's time to wake up." Hyunjin immediately opened his eyes when he recognized Minho's voice and pushed him away. "You- where's the others? Why did they leave me here alone with you?" Hyunjin quickly sat up and wore Seungmin's coat which annoyed Minho slightly. "You can't leave yet, sleeping beauty. You missed a lot of steps while you were asleep." Minho calmly said as he walked towards the mirror and tied his shoelaces properly. "I can figure it out myself. I'll ask Felix if I really have trouble remembering it." Hyunjin replied just as calmly and swings his bag over his shoulder.

"Are you walking home?" Minho asked, raising his head to look at Hyunjin through the mirror. "No. Manager hyung is picking me up." The older laughed teasingly and sat on the floor. "I told them I'll take care of you so they probably went home already." Hyunjin turned around with disbelief painted on his face. Is Minho being serious right now? "Fine! I'm walking home!"

Hyunjin did what he said and persisted on being stubborn. He walked on his way home in the dark alley with many strangers around him that could attack him at any time. Of course, Minho followed him but kept a fair distance between them as he respects Hyunjin's dumb decision. "I should've went home with hyung.." Hyunjin mumbled to himself as he felt his hand trembling while holding his phone tightly. That stalker incident from before really did a number on him.

"Hi. You're really young, do you want to go to the club with us?" Three girls approached Hyunjin and clung their arms around his which made the boy pretty nervous and sweaty. "Oh my, are you flustered we're so close? Don't worry, we'll take good care of you." Minho clenched his jaw and walked faster to catch up to them as his boyfriend is being dragged away. Hyunjin is about to burst into tears, his ears ringing from the girls' voices and it made him want to vomit. "I.. I really have to go home.." Hyunjin whispered, his lips trembling as he tried his best to speed dial Minho in his pocket.

Minho cussed and ran towards the four when his phone rang and snatched his boyfriend away from the girls, shocking them of course. "I was looking everywhere for you." Minho said, smiling at Hyunjin while rubbing circles on his lower back. "I'm so sorry, my boyfriend was taking too long to get home so I came to pick him up." The girls whined and stomped their foot, mumbling things like 'what a waste'.

"Hyung.." Minho shushed the younger and buried his face on Minho's shoulder. "Let's go home."

It didn't take long for them to arrive in Hyunjin's dorm by Minho's motorcycle. "Thank you for tonight." Hyunjin shyly muttered and fixed his bag strap on his shoulder. "It's nothing. Get some rest." Minho didn't invite himself in the dorm knowing very well it might cause a fight again because he has to leave tomorrow for his vacation.

Hyunjin looked down when Minho zoomed out of his view. He wanted to say sorry and wanted to invite the older to stay the night but he didn't have the chance to. "Hyunjin?" Changbin asked who just came home bringing ice cream for them. "I'm home, hyung."

Jisung was playing Mario cart with Felix and the freckled boy was shocked to see Hyunjin back already. That means... Minho is going home too. "Oh fuck!" Chan never turned his head so fast after hearing Felix cuss that loudly. "Felix!" The younger whined and buried his face on the small pillow on their couch. "Minho hyung is going to kill me! We're not allowed to go out without permission especially if he's not around." Felix cried while Jisung comforted him by telling to call Minho and ask him to pick Felix up.

Hyunjin beamed at the idea and volunteered to be the one to call his 'ex' boyfriend. No one complained, really. They know Hyunjin is the one going to apologize in the end.

Minho didn't even notice that Felix was gone until Hyunjin told him. His mind was so occupied by his messy thoughts that he just went straight to his bedroom. That's when he got the call from Hyunjin.

That was how he ended up facing this very familiar apartment once again.

"Hyung! I'm so sorry, Jisung forced me to play mario cart with him!" Felix explained, begging on his knees while Changbin and Chan are eating their ice creams peacefully. "I get it, stand up now. Let's go home." Felix nodded and took Hyunjin's helmet from Minho's grip to use it. "Hyung. Aren't you forgetting something?" Jisung asked and looked at Hyunjin who is hiding behind the staircase staring down at them. He really looks like a tiny mouse hiding from a mischievous cat. "He'll be fine." Minho smiled at Jisung then looked up at Hyunjin who is tightly gripping on the railing.

As much as he wants to say goodbye and fix their relationship right this instant, Minho decided it's better to leave it as it is just until his vacation is over. The thought of Hyunjin missing Minho like crazy is breaking the older's heart. "I'll see you guys in two weeks." Minho waved and pushed Felix out of the dorm. "You're getting an earful once we get home, Lee Felix."

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