Chapter 6

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The next morning Max and I were woken up by pounding on the door. I rolled over to see Max was starting to wake up as well.

"What is that noise?" Max asked.

"Someone at the door." I answered as I forced myself to roll out of bed.

"Tell them to stop." She told me as she pulled the pillow over her head trying to block out the noise.

"What?" I snapped as I pulled open the door to see Neil standing on the other side.

I instantly regretted the tone of voice I used as I watched his annoyed face change into an angry one.

"Don't talk to me like that girl!" He yelled as he looked over my shoulder.

I turned around quickly to see that Max had shot up when she heard his voice and was now sitting up in bed.

"Sorry I didn't know it was you." I responded.

"So you think it's okay to yell at strangers then?" He yelled at me.

"Dad, it's early. You probably just woke her up. She's still half asleep." I heard Billy's voice from outside but couldn't see him because his dad was blocking my view of the outside by standing in the door frame.

"That's not how you talk to people." He told me as he pointed at my face. "And get ready, we're leaving in five." He said as he started to walk away.

"But it's not even 5:30 yet. Can't we sleep a little longer?" Max asked from her bed.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to not yell at her. Why couldn't she just keep her mouth shut and let him walk away.

"No!" I heard him yell at her, causing me to snap my eyes open again. "Where leaving in four minutes otherwise we will be stuck in traffic. Get out of bed and get your shit together or we're leaving without it!" He yelled at her then stormed off.

Once he was out of the way I could see Billy standing there holding what looked to be his bag, his dad's bag and my moms. He had a sad look on his face like he wanted to come in and comfort me. Or help us but he couldn't.

"Billy get your ass down here!" Neil yelled from the car.

He didn't say anything, he just turned and walked away to put the bags in the car.

"Why is he always such a dick!" Max yelled as she laid back down.

"Don't say dick and get the hell out of bed. I don't want to be yelled at again." I told her as I frantically pulled out a change of underwhere, light blue jeans and a tank top.

I rushed to the bathroom and changed as quickly as possible and brushed my teeth. When I went back to the bedroom Max was thankfully changed.

"Go brush your teeth and go to the bathroom then meet us downstairs. I will fend off Neil." I told her.

"Thanks." She said before disappearing in the bathroom.

I walked outside to see mom was already in the car and Neil was standing there with his arms crossed. As he stomped his foot as he pulled out one arm to look at his watch. Billy stood at his car looking at his dad with a worried look on his face.

"Finally she appears." Neil snapped as I walked down with my bag.

"What about five minutes do you not understand?" He asked me.

"Sorry, but five minutes is not enough time for two girls to get dressed, go to the bathroom and brush our teeth." I told him.

"Don't talk back to me!" He yelled. "Its not my fault girls always take too long getting ready."

"Where's your sister?" He asked me.

"She's going to the bathroom." I answered him.

"We're already running late. We should have left four minutes ago!" He snapped as he looked at his watch again.

"Dad, take it easy. She just woke up and she had to pee." Billy told his dad as he stopped leaning on his car and took a step closer to me.

"Shut up, no one is talking to you!" He yelled at Billy as he looked upstairs again.

"Sorry I'm coming!" Max called out as she ran down to join us.

"Get in the car now!" He yelled at her causing her to flinch back.

He often yelled at Billy and me but one of us usually intervened before he could reach Max. I could tell she was scared.

"You know what, why don't Max drive with us today. It can give us all time to bond and give you and mom a chance to be alone." I told Neil.

"What?" Billy asked as he stepped up to my side.

"Yeah Max, do you want to come with us?" I asked her.

She looked to Billy who stood next to me then back to Neil.

"Yes, if that's okay with you?" She asked him.

"I don't care, get in the car so we can leave." He told her then got into his car.

I took Max's bag so she could get into the back seat which she did quietly. I started to walk to the trunk but Billy took the bags from me and put them in the trunk for me.

"Why did you ask her to come with us?" He asked me quietly.

"Because she's my sister and your dad was scaring her." I answered him.

"Okay, good point but I was really hoping we could spend more time together." He told me as he closed his trunk.

"We will have plenty of time to be alone once we get settled." I told him.

"Will we?" He asked but before I could answer his dad started slamming on his car horn.

"What are you guys doing?" Max yelled from the back seat of the car.

"Nothing, coming." I answered as the two of us split apart and got into the car.

We sped off in silence as we followed Neil and Mom down the empty road. 

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