Chapter 15

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It's been a few days since the grocery store incident and Billy and I have been avoiding each other like the plague in hopes to avoid another beating. It was hard to stay away because I desperately wanted to know if he was okay. Even when we passed each other in the house he wouldn't even look at me. This is how he always got after having an altercation with his dad. He would push me away so I couldn't tell how hurt he was. He didn't want to look weak in front of me. I never found him weak, he has always had to be strong to deal with his dad. Especially since his mother left him.

But he would alway hide himself away so I could see him cry. So I could see him hurting. He usually only came back around to being his normal self once he was fully healed from the last assault. It really sucked too because I really needed to talk to him. I was having really bad nightmares these last two nights and I had no one to talk to.

I have had really bad nightmares on and off since I was a little kid and mom's solution was to put me on meds that made me so groggy I could hardly function. So I couldn't tell her it was happening again. She would think it was because of the stress of the move and just make me an appointment and try to get me put back on the medicine I hated. Neil would tell me to suck it up and stop complaining. He just didn't understand how terrifying some of them really were. I never talked to Max about them because I didn't want to trouble or scare her. Billy was the only one who I could just talk to and not try to fix me or call me crazy. He would just listen and hold me until it isn't scary anymore. Except these last two nights he wouldn't talk to me. So I had to deal with them on my own.

Thankfully I was excited, it was our first day at the new school. So Billy would be forced to talk to me. He had to drive Max and I to school. We were supposed to start yesterday but we had to wait for Billys bruises to fade. So today Tuesday would be Billy and I first day at Hawkins High School. And Max to Hawkins Middle School which was right next door.

I was looking through my closet trying to find something to wear and I was starting to realize I did not have the right clothes for October in Indiana.

I looked at my normal clothes and was about to pull out a light green skirt when I thought about all the looks I got the other day in a very similar elfit. I thought about what Eddie had said about me sticking out and changed my mind. I reached back in and pulled out my black high waisted skirt and pulled it on. It rested just at the bottom of my rib cage and I buttoned up the six buttons in the front that held it tightly into place. I looked for a shirt and found a black short sleeved crop top that showed about an inch of my stomach. I then thought about how cold it was outside and went into my drawer and pulled out a pair of thick black stockings that went all the way up to the top of my thighs stopping only a few inches under my skirt.

I then pulled on my favorite pair of ankle high black leather boots. I looked at myself in the mirror and was less confident in my look then I usually was. Unlike back home I had no idea what I was doing here. I brushed out my straight red hair and put on a little bit of makeup. I knew I was going to be cold so I walked out of my room and to Billys. It was okay to go into his room today because Neil was already at work and mom was out doing whatever it is she does.

Billy was in the shower and Max was hiding in her room until we had to leave. I quickly made my way to his closest knowing exactly what I was looking for.

I reached into his closet and pulled out his thick long sleeved red flannel button up and pulled it on over my clothes. It hung open and reached down to the bottom of my skirt. If I get too cold I can alway button it closed to keep myself warm. On the plus side it smelled like Billy.

"What are you doing in my room?" Billy asked from his doorway

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"What are you doing in my room?" Billy asked from his doorway.

I spun around to see him standing there leaning against his door frame with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. His entire body wet from the shower he just stepped on. It took real effort to pull my eyes off his incredibly sculpted body.

"I wanted to borrow this shirt." I told him as I tugged on the end of his shirt I was wearing.

His eyes raked down my body as if he just realized what I was wearing.

"You can keep it. It looks better on you anyway." He answered as he walked towards me.

I thought he was going to grab me but he reached behind me to pull a shirt and jean jacket out of his closet. He pulled it from a hanger and tossed it on his bed.

"Billy, can we talk?" I asked him as he walked over to his dresser to pull out boxers and a pair of jeans.

He also tossed them onto his bed this time with a little more force than the shirt.

"What could we have to talk about?" He asked as he dropped the towel revealing his perfect round ass to me.

I couldn't help but stare as he pulled his boxers and pants on. This man was really trying to kill me.

"About what we're going to do at school." I answered him.

He turned around to face me, he was still shirtless and I wanted to reach out and touch him but I was scared it would make him more angry.

"We will do what we always do." He said as he took a step closer to me. "Pretend like we're family."

"Like you did at the store?" I asked him as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"That guy was flirting with you!" He snapped at me.

"So are you going to freak out if someone flirts with me at school? Am I allowed to start a fight if someone flirts with you?" I asked him seriously.

He didn't answer me but I could see him clench his fists together.

"Billy, we need to trust each other. Otherwise what's the point?" I asked him.

"I trust you." He said as he took a step closer to me.

He was now so close that he could easily reach out and touch me.

"I don't trust everyone else." He finished.

"That's not fair to me Billy. You need to trust that if I need you or if someone is really bothering me I will ask you for help." I told him.

"If I tell you I will try my hardest will you stop being mad at me?" He asked me and I was surprised by what he had just said.

"Billy, I'm not mad at you. I just...I just feel truly guilty that I keep getting you in trouble." I answered him.

"It's not your fault. Neil is the problem. I cant wait until we graduate and can get the fuck out of here." He told me.

I knew Billy and I had made plans to run away together when we turned eighteen but I wasn't so sure anymore. I wasn't sure if I could leave Max alone with Neil and my mom. Right now he usually ignores Max but would he ignore her if the two of us where gone.

"Let's just get through this year and then we can revisit this conversation." I told him, causing him to scrunch his brown and take a step back from me.

"Why would we want to revisit the conversation?" He asked me but before I could answer Max walked in the room.

"What the hell are you doing put your shirt on Billy." Max told him as she turned and walked away.

"This is my room!" He yelled after her.

"I should go make sure she's ready." I told him then hurried out of his room.

"What were you doing in Billy's room?" Max asked me.

"Just grabbing this shirt." I answered her. "Let's get our stuff." I told her as I led her back to her room to grab what she needed.

I just needed to get through the day, just this one day to start over. A fresh start and hopefully better life. 

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