Chapter 52 - Billy's POV

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I went back to working out for another twenty minutes or so. My thoughts kept falling on Leslie. I know she needs to sleep, I know I should not wake her up but I really wanted to. I was actually starting to worry that my music and the doorbell hadn't woken her up already. I put down the weights and started to walk to her door. I was about to open it when the doorbell rang again.

"Max the door!" I yelled as I reached for Leslie's door handle.

The doorbell rang again.

"Max! Get the goddamn door!" I yelled again and there was still no answer.

The doorbell rang again and this time I stormed over and opened it to see that Eddie, the kid who had a crush on Leslie, was standing there. He looked surprised to see me, which made no sense because I lived here.

"Uhmm...hey Billy. Is Leslie ready? I'm supposed to pick her up for band practice." He told me, causing a smile to spread over my face.

"Actually she's still asleep, so clearly she doesn't give a shit about your band." I informed him.

"Well she knew I was coming." He said nervously.

"Well she doesn't seem to care!" I snapped back at him.

"If you would just let me in I could go talk to her." I said and I blocked his way even more.

There was no way I was letting him in my house. I didn't even want Leslie to go with him but I knew she would be pissed if I didn't wake her up. She was really excited about singing in his stupid band. I haven't seen her that happy in a really long time and it pissed me off that this kid was the reason for that.

"I'll go wake her up. You can wait out here." I told him and then slammed the door in his face and walked to Leslies door.

"Hey Leslie, time to wake up! Your loser friend is here!" I called out as I pushed her door open.

I stopped walking the second her door opened. She was not in here, and she was not asleep. She had stacked pillows under the covers to make it look like she was sleeping but she was not there. I practically ran to Max's room and opened her door.

"Max, where the hell is your sister?" I asked her the only problem was she was gone.

Her bedroom window was open and Max was gone. What the fuck is going on here? I thought as I looked around the empty house. Why the hell would both of them sneak out when our parents are gone? I then realized that Leslie had been gone for hours, sense before at least her mom woke up and nobody realized. Why would she take off without telling me? Who was she with? Was she okay? She was so excited about today, she wouldn't miss band practice. A million thoughts started to race through my head. All of them making me panic more and more.

I stormed over to the front door and opened it to see Eddie still standing there.

"Is she coming?" He asked.

"No she's not here." I answered as I looked past him as if she would appear.

"Is that the truth?" He asked, causing me to snap my head around to face him.

"Yes its the fucking truth!" I yelled as I got in his face. "I have no fucking idea where she is!"

"Okay, calm down man. I'll help you find her. Do you think she was sleepwalking again?" I asked him.

"How do you know about that?" I asked him.

"She told me." He answered nervously.

"No, I don't think she was sleepwalking. I think she snuck out last night. She set up the pillows in the bed. Her mom told Max she was sleeping and for us to leave her alone. But she was never there and now Max is missing two. The little bitch climbed out her window, sometime within the last twenty minutes." I told him not being able to stop my words from coming out.

"She probably just went for a walk or something." He said as started to look around like I had been a few seconds ago.

It really irritated me the way he obviously cared about her.

"If she was okay she would be here right now. She doesn't just take off." I told him.

"Okay well, I'll go to Jeff's first. See if she showed up there. If I find her I will bring her home." He told me.

"Do whatever you want." I told him as I went back in the house and slammed the door in his face.

I ran to my room and quickly changed my clothes and then headed out. I needed to find Max before Neil came home and realized she was gone. But truthfully I was more worried about Leslie. The only time she ever snuck out was to see me. I just hoped she was okay. I needed her to be okay. 

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