Chapter 12

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I caught up with Billy a few seconds later.

"What the hell took you so long?" He asked me when I was at his side.

"I was talking to the lady at the front register." I answered him.

"Why?" He asked as he crossed his arms and looked at me as if I had done something wrong.
"Because she was being nice." I answered him. "You do realize if we want people to like us we should be nice to the people who live here."

"I don't care if people like us." He told me.

"Well I do. Billy, we have to live here. We should play nice with the locals." I told him.

"Look, we have wasted enough time." He said as he pulled out the list and ripped it in half. "Get the shit on this half of the list and meet me back here in ten minutes." He told me as he took his half of the list and grabbed the cart and walked away.

"Nice talk." I mumbled as I walked back upfront to grab another cart.

I couldn't help but notice that Joyce was watching me. She probably saw us bickering, she had a clear view from where we were standing. I smiled at her softly and then hurried off into the store. The store was pretty small but I had no idea where anything was. So I hurried up and down every aisle grabbing what I could. I only had one itam left, it was the stupid bag of chips that Neil liked. It was something he ate every day and if Billy and I couldnt find them he was going to be pissed.

I practically ran up and down the chip aisle again but I still couldn't find it. How hard could it be to find at least one bag of Daddy Crips?

"Are you okay?" A male voice asked, pulling me out of my frantic search.

I turned around to see a kid about my age, maybe a year or older. He was standing there in tight light blue ripped jeans and a long sleeve white shirt. His hair was shoulder length and curly like Billys but not as neatly kept. He was holding an arm full of bags of chips and cookies. He looked like he was about to drop all of them at any moment.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked him a little to difensilvy.

He seemed to be nice enough but I was having one hell of a day. So I snapped even though I didn't mean to.

"Because you're running up and down the aisle talking to yourself." He answered me.

I couldn't help but chuckle slightly as I thought about what he had just said. I wasn't expecting him to be so honest.

"I'm looking for a bag of chips for my stepdad and I can't find it." I answered him as I looked back to the shelves. "If i don't find it he's going to be pissed."

"One of those." He responded as he nodded and struggled to catch the bags in his hands he was about to drop.

"One of what?" I asked him.

"One of those dads who's miserable and needs to make everyone around him just as miserable," he answered.

I did not know what to think of this guy. He was strange but there was also something kind about him.

"Talking from experience?" I asked him.

"Something like that." He answered. "What are you looking for? Maybe I could help you look." He told me.

"Daddy Crisps." I told him.

"I think you're shit out of luck there. I practically live off of chips and shit and I never heard of them." He told me.

"Fuck." I said as I looked back to the shelves hoping he was mistaken and the bag would magically appear.

"You're New to town aren't you?" He asked me.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked as I looked at his smiling face.

"Well yeah. No one around here dresses like that." He said to me as I watched him look over my outfit.

I looked down at my clothes that I was so proud of when I put them on but now I feel completely uncomfortable. He must have sensed my discomfort because he started to panic slightly.

"Oh shit I didn't mean that in a bad way. I think you look incredible but you definitely stick out. In a good way, a great way." He started rambling.

A huge smile spread out over my face as I listened to him try to compliment me and failed miserably. Even though he wasn't doing the best at it, his effort was incredibly cute. I was just about to say something to him when I got a strong sensation that I was being watched. I turned my head and looked up the aisle to see Billy standing at the end with his cart full of food. He was staring at the two of us and if looks could kill this nice young man would be dead.

"A friend of yours?" He asked me.

"You can say that. He's my...uh, my step-brother." I answered. "Sorry I have to go." I told him as I grabbed my cart to try and hurry to Billy before he made a scene.

I only made it about a foot when he came charging down the aisle slamming his cart into mine stopping me from going anywhere and causing the guy to jump and drop his chips. This was going to be a disaster. 

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