Chapter 68

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"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Everything you learned these last few days can't be shared with anyone else. Your friends and your family can't know what really happened tonight." He told me.

"I think they're going to have questions about what happened to my leg." I told him.

"We will come up with a story once I get a look. But it's imperative that you understand how much danger you are in knowing that you know the truth. And how much danger you will put others in if you tell them." He told me.

"I understand. We both do." I said as I looked over to Max.

"Yeah, now can you please just help her." She said to the Doctor.

"Let me take a look." He said as he walked over and took my vitals.

Once he had the basics out of the way he took scissors to my pants so he could get a look at my leg. He unwrapped the gauze that was now dirty and soaked and took a look at the mess that was my leg. I could see the shock on his face, so it really was that bad. I thought.

"I'll be right back." He said as he hurried out of the room.

When he came back in he had a nurse with him and a push cart full of supplies. The first thing he grabbed was a large needle.

"What's that for?" I asked him.

"I'm going to inject this around injured areas and it will numb it so we can work on you." He told me.

"Just get it over with." I told him.

"You're one tough girl." He told me before he went to work.

The first few injections hurt and sent a small burning sensation through my skin before the area went numb but after a while I couldn't feel anything.

"We're going to clean out the area now. Let us know if you're in any pain." He told me.

"Okay." I agreed.

They cleaned the wound and I felt a little pressure here and there but no pain.

"Are you going to be able to fix me?" I asked him.

"There are a lot of different punctures and a significant amount of damage but we should be able to stitch it all up. Once that is done we can get an scan ordered to make sure there's no damage to the mussels undertheith." He told me.

"That sounds expensive." I said to him.

"Leslie, stop." Max told me.

"We can't afford that. The stitches will be fine." I told him.

"It is needed if the damage isn't superficial, you could have permanent damage." He told me.

"I'm fine." I told him.

"Your not and you don't have to worry about the medical bills. Everything will be covered." He told me.

"How? Why? By who?" I asked him.

"This is a government issue, the government will take care of you." He answered.

"As long as I don't talk, right?" I asked him.

He smiled and focused back on my leg. Him and the nurse spent the next forty minutes stitching me up. Once he was done he wrapped my leg and then checked the gash on my head. It also needed a few stitches. Once he did that he put a bandage over it and then he went to look at where I hit my head. I have no idea what I hit my head on but whatever it was did a number on me.

He ended up having to shave a small patch of my hair so he could get to the wound and I was pissed but Max kept me calm as she reassured me over and over again that it was needed. He let me know he was going to order some scans. One for my leg and one for my head to make sure I didn't have brain damage even though he was pretty sure I had a concussion.

When he walked out of the room Hopper walked in. My heart stopped beating for a second when I saw him standing there. He had talked to Billy. He saw Billy, I wanted to ask him if he was okay but Max was sitting right next to me. I was really concerned he had gotten eaten by demo-dogs while knocked out.

"We got your brother, he should be heading home right now to get your parents." He told me.

"So he's okay?" I asked him.

"He feels like shit because of the drugs Max injected him with but he's doing a lot better than you." He answered me as he looked at me suspiciously.

I started crying, just out of pure relief. He was okay, we didn't kill him. I had no idea what I was going to do with him but at least I didn't have to live with being the reason he died.

"Are you okay kid?" He asked me.

"I'm...I don't know why I'm crying." I answered him as I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Are you sure you don't want to press charges, you shouldn't have to live with that kid." He told me.

"I'm sure. It will be fine Billys not the one that I need to worry about." I told him not being able to stop myself.

"Who do you need to worry about?" He asked me.

Max and I looked at eachother realizing the mistake I had just made.

"No one." I answered.

"If you're not safe in your home, you can tell me." Hopper told us.

"We're fine." I lied to him.

"So what is the story, were going with?" I asked him wanting to change the subject.

"Getting right to the point." he said to me.

"I just want to get some sleep." I told him.

"Okay, so you said that Steve found you sleepwalking right?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I answered him.

"So that's what we go with. You slept walked out into the middle of the woods which will explain the wounds on your feet." He started to tell us. "Then you stepped in a beartrap and that's when you woke up."

"A bear trap?" I asked him.

"Yes. A bear trap." He answered. "You fell as you woke up and hit the front of your head on a rock on the way down. That will explain the leg, and eye injury." He told me.

"How the hell did I end up with Steve?" I asked him.

"Him and Dustin were out in the woods looking for Dustin's cat when they found you." He answered. "You were badly injured and bleeding out. You were closer to Joyce's house than Steve's car so he took you there for help." He told me.

"But Billy knows she snuck out. He found the pillows." Max told him.

"You put them there." He told her. "You woke up and saw she was gone and did not want her to get in trouble. Then you called Lucas to come get you so you could go out and find her. Dustin called out on the walkies to find Max. The two of you were already close so you met them there. Then Billy showed up, and after that you drove to the hospital." He told us.

"How did you come up with all of that?" I asked him.

"Unfortunately this is not my first rodeo." He answered me.

"So I slept walked my way into pain. Sounds like a plan." I joked.

"Are you sure you're okay, you have been through a lot?" He asked me.

"I'll be fine once I know I won't suffer any perminut damage." I joked.

"It's okay not to be okay." He told me.

I almost started crying again at his words. It wasn't okay not to be okay. I had to be okay because if I wasn't okay who would take care of Max. I didn't want Neil anywhere near her, and mom cant take care of a goldfish. And after tonight I don't think I can trust Billy with her anymore. I needed to be okay, so that she would be okay.

"How is Steve?" I asked him to change the subject again.

"I'm on my way to see him next." He answered me.

"Can you let him know I want an update?" I told him as he headed for the door.

"Will do. Get some rest you two." He told us and then left the room. 

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