Chapter 17

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When class was over Nancy and Jonathan waited for the two of us. If I had to take a guess, I would say they're waiting for me.

"So how was your first official class at Hawkins High?" Nancy asked.

"The same as every other class I guess." I answered.

"It sucked." Billy answered at the exact same time.

"It wasn't that bad." I told him as the four of us headed out the door.

By the four of us I mean Nancy, Jonathan and I walking together and Billy lingering behind looking like hes going to murder all of us.

I looked back at him with a smile. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad here after all. While I was walking through the girl, some girl shoves an orange piece of paper in my face. I took it from her and looked at the flier. It was for a Halloween party held by someone named Tina. I assumed Tina was the girl handing them out. The bottom of the flier said, 'come and get sheet faced'. I chuckled softly at it.

"Hey, Nancy." She said as she handed the flier to her.

"Hey! Thanks." Nancy answered as she looked at the flier with a smile.

I could not help but notice that even though Jonathan was standing in between us he was not handed one.

"I hope to see you there." Tina said as she handed a flier to Billy.

"Well wouldn't want to keep a pretty girl waiting." He answered as he smiled at her causing me to roll my eyes.

"Oh, could I get one more?" Nancy asked her.

"Yeah, sure." Tina answered as she handed Nancy another one.

Nancy then took the flier and smacked it into Jonathan's chest. I guess I wasn't the only one who noticed he wasn't handed one.

"You're coming to this." She told him then looked back at me. "You too." She said to me as well then looked at Billy who stood behind us.

"You should come too." She told him.

"I plan on it." He answered her.

"Come and get sheet faced." Jonathan read mocking the flier. "No, I'm not." He told her.

"I can't let you sit all alone on Halloween. That's just not acceptable." She responded to him.

"Well, you can relax. I'm not gonna be alone." He answered her.

"Do you got a hot date?" Billy asked, causing Jonathan to look back at him before answering.

"No. I'm going trick-or-treating with Will, my brother." He answered him.

"All night?" Nancy asked him as I looked over my schedule.

"Yeah." He answered.

"That's cute. My sister won't let me come with her." I told him.

"Yeah, my brothers that way." Nancy told us.

"But Jonathan there is no way you will be out all night. No, no way. You're gonna be home by 8:00, listening to the Talking Heads and reading Vonnegut or something." She told him leaving me and Billy looking at each other wondering what the hell these two were talking about.

"Sounds like a nice night." Jonathan replied.

"Sounds like a horrible night." Billy interjected.

"Good thing nobody asked you." I snapped at him causing Nancy to smile and Billy to roll his eyes.

"Jonathan, just come. I mean, who knows, you might even, like, meet someone." She told him.

Before Jonathan could answer her, a boy dressed similarly to Billy except in a darker shirt and black glasses came up behind Nancy and picked her up off the ground. He spun her around as she shrieked out and he laughed. I was about to say something when he put her down and she turned to look at the kid and smiled. She obviously knew him.

"Oh, my God! Take those stupid things off." She told him.

"I missed you." He told her and I realized he must be Steve.

He took off his glasses and pulled her closer to him.

"It's been like an hour." She replied.

"Tell me about it." He answered then pulled her in for a kiss.

I didn't know what to do or where to look as the two of them kissed so I looked at Billy who looked annoyed. He took a deep breath and then walked away. I watched as he headed to his locker and when he reached it Nancy and Steve had stopped kissing.

"Sorry." Steve said as she started putting her things in her locker.

I noticed that she was looking for Jonathan and when she found him walking away her eyes trailed after him for a few seconds before she smiled and looked back to Steve.

"Steve this is Leslie and Leslie this is Steve." Nancy introduced us.

"Oh, the new girl. Nice to meet you." He said as he leaned against the lockers.

"Nice to meet you too." I replied.

"I heard there were two of you." He said as he looked around.

"Yeah, her brother was here a second ago." Nancy said as she looked around for him.

"He's not a people person, he wandered off. I'm sure you will meet him soon." I told him.

"I'm sure he will fit in just as good as you once he gets to know a few people." Nancy said.

"I doubt it." I replied.

"Are you coming to Tina's party? The two of us are going if you need a ride." Steve offered.

"I'll probably just drive with my brother but thank you." I answered.

"Do you need help getting to your next class?" Nancy asked.

"That would be great." I answered her.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. I went to my classes and met a few nice people. Everyone was very interested in Billy and I. I had English and History with Billy, so it was nice to have him around. I had Math with Nancy, so it was nice to have a friendly face around. Lunch was okay. The food sucked but surprisingly there was no drama. I saw that kid from the grocery store at lunch. I wanted to go say high but didn't dare, knowing if Billy even noticed him, he would have a fit.

When the day was over Billy, and I waited for Max. Billy was annoyed to have to wait for her. By the time she got out of school everyone was gone and we were the only ones left in the parking lot. The two of us sat in silence, listening to music, and smoking cigarettes why we waited for her. Once everyone was gone, I reached over and used my free hand to grab hold of his. He wrapped his fingers with mine and smiled slightly as he took a second to look at our joined hands.

It only lasted a few minutes when Billy pulled his hand from mine. I looked up and saw Max walking our way.

"How was school?" I asked Max as I got out of the car to let her in.

"It was okay." She answered.

"Just, okay?" I asked her.

"That's what she said, isn't it?" Billy snapped; he was obviously annoyed that Max was here.

I climbed back in and the second the door was closed Billy started speeding off.

"Did you make any friends?" I asked her.

"No, everyone's lame." She answered. "Can you drop me off at the arcade?" She asked.

I thought about what she asked and felt bad that she had a bad first day of school. Neil should be gone for the night by the time we get home so he wouldn't even have to know.

"Yeah, that's fine." I told her.

"It's fine! Is anyone going to ask me if I want to drive her around all day." Billy snapped.

"Don't be a jerk, it's on the way home." I told him.

"And who's going to pick up the brat?" He asked.

"Billy, can you please just drop her off?" I asked him.

He looked at me and his features instantly softened.

"Fine." He answered then focused back on the road. 

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