Chapter 75

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Eddie and I had put on a show that we were not paying any attention to. After he raided our snack cabinet he carried as many snacks as he could hold to the living room. He placed them all onto the table before hurrying back to the kitchen to push me back into the living room even though I insisted I could do it myself. He wouldn't listen and when I was finally in the living room he helped me onto the couch so I would be more comfortable. He even placed the softest pillow we had on the couch on the table so I could rest my foot.

"Thank you." I told him.

"Don't worry about it. What do you want to drink?" He asked as he shot up off the couch.

"There's coke in the fridge." I told him.

"Great two cokes." He said as he hurried there and back.

Once back in the room he jumped over and onto the couch. My body bounced as he caused the entire cushion to move.

My ankle lifted slightly and landed back on the pillow. I hissed out in pain as I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming out in pain.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry." He said as he moved to the other side of the couch as if moving away from me would help the pain.

"It's okay." I told him. "It just still hurts." I told him.

"I would be surprised if it didn't." He said as he handed me my coke.

"Thank you." I told him.

I opened it and took a sip before I handed it back to him because I couldn't reach the table. He took it from me and put it down without question. We sat there and ate our snacks and drank coke as he filled me in on all the drama I missed at school and band practice.

"They guys wanted to come visit you but they are terrified of Billy." He told me.

"Well let them know once I'm cleared to leave this house I am coming to kick all their asses." I joked.

"I'll be sure to let them know." He responded.

The two of us completely lost track of time when the front door opened. Both of us shot up from our comfortable positions on the couch. I looked at the door worried that Neil was about to walk in and see the mess we had made. I let out a loud sigh when I saw that it was my mom.

Once she was inside, she stopped when she saw the two of us sitting there. She stood there for a second before shutting the door and stepping all the way in the house.

"I wasn't aware you were having guests." She said as she stood there holding two bags in her hands.

"I'm sorry Mam, I came over unannounced." Eddie said as he stood up from the couch.

He walked over to her.

"Let me help." He said as he grabbed the groceries from her hands and brought them over to the kitchen table.

"Thank you." She said as she watched him walk away with her bags.

"There's two more in the car if you don't mind." She told him.

"Mom!" I snapped at her.

"It's okay. I don't mind." He said as he hurried outside.

Once he was outside she walked over to the kitchen and started unpacking the groceries.

"His name is Eddie right? The nice boy in your band who visited you at the hospital?" She asked as if she didn't know the answer.

"Yes mom, you have met him a bunch of times." I reminded her.

A few seconds later he walked back in the house with the other bags. He walked into the kitchen and handed them to my mom.

"Anything else you need help with?" He asked her.

I watched the interaction and found it strange. He was being too nice and helpful. I mean he was always nice but this was too much. He was trying hard to make sure my mom liked him. But who the fuck cared if she liked him. I didnt give a fuck what she thought about my firends and he shouldnt either. She can't just decide to care about us all of a sudden and pretend to be a good mom.

"No dear, thank you so much. Are you going to be staying for dinner?" She asked him.

He looked over to me as if he wasn't sure how to answer her question.

"Yes mom. He's going to bring me to physical therapy." I told her.

"Oh that's nice of you." She told him. "I'm sure Billy will appreciate not having to bring you." She said to me.

I wanted to tell her that she should be bringing me, but I bit my tongue. I didn't want to fight in front of Eddie.

"Why don't the two of you go hang out in Leslies room so I can clean up the living room before everyone gets home." My mom told us.

I looked at my mom suspiciously. Neil would never approve of a boy being in my room. If he found out my mom would be in trouble. Eddie on the other hand oblivious to my home life looked happy to get out of this conversation.

"Fine." I said as I lifted my leg off the pillow.

"Wait, let me help." Eddie said as he ran over to me and pulled my arm over his shoulder.

He held onto my wrist and waist and helped me up so I didn't have to put any weight on my ankle. He practically carried me until he put me into the chair.

"You don't have to do that." I told him.

"I don't mind." He said as he pushed me to my room.

"Just keep the door open a crack." My mom said as he wheeled me into my room.

"Mom, please. What do you think I'm going to do with an injured foot and you standing in the next room?" I yelled at her.

"Keep the door cracked." She repeated, causing Eddie to laugh.

"Shut up." I said as I reached back and slapped him in the stomach. 

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