Chapter 79

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I thought about going into Billy's room to yell at him but I knew it would do nothing but make everything worse. So I wheeled myself back to the couch and just sat there. I sat there and waited. I tried to watch tv but I couldn't keep track of what was on the screen. My mom came home and said hi but then went right to the kitchen to pretend to prepare for the dinner that would take her less than twenty minutes to prepare.

She hummed as she messed around in the kitchen and pretended to keep herself busy, anything to not have to talk to me. Max had locked herself in her room like she always does. Her music was on which meant she was talking to Lucas on the walkie he gave her. Billy was still in his room but that was what he did every day now. For the last year I had wished that everyone would leave me alone. Leave me be and let me live my life and I got exactly that. And I had never felt so alone. I could go the rest of my life never having to talk to Neil again but everyone else avoiding me like the plague was getting to me. Eddie was the only thing keeping me sane. The one person who was the one person I could count on sense this mess. Now he was gone and I was alone again.

I could hear my mom setting the table table. I listened as she placed plate after plate dawn.

She placed five as she has been every night with the hope that Eddie would join us for dinner again.

"Mom." I called out.

"Yes dear." She replied.

"Eddie's not coming, you don't need to make him a plate." I told her.

"Why? What happened?" She asked as she hurried over to me.

This was the first time she had been in the same room with me since she got home.

"Nothing happened mom, he just can't make it tonight." I lied to her.

"That's such a shame. I really like having him around." She said as she walked back to the kitchen and removed his plate from the table.

"Did you two have a fight?" She asked.

"No mom! He just had other plans he could get out of!" I snapped at her.

I wanted to tell her the truth. Billy got into a fight with him. Billy was driving away another one of my friends. But I wouldn't do that to Billy, it would just make his dad angry. And even though we weren't talking I wasn't going to do or say something that I knew would get him in trouble.

"Well it's good you guys aren't fighting. Hopefully he will come by soon." She said as she turned to do something.

After a few seconds she turned around to look back at me.

"Is he still going to take you to therapy?" She asked me.

"He's not taking me." I told her.

"Why not?" She asked as if I had been speeding a different language this entire time.

"He just can't mom!" I snapped at her.

"Well who's bringing you?" She asked as the thought of her bringing me herself never even crossed her mind.

"God mom, don't worry about it. Steve is going to bring me." I answered her.

"Steve is coming here?" She asked as she started looking around as if he was going to appear out of the shadows.

"Yes mom, Steve is coming here." I answered her.

"Do you really think that's a good idea?" She asked. "Steve shouldn't come here when Billy is home." She told me as if I controlled the two boys.

"He's just coming to pick me up. He's not going to hang out. It's not like I can drive myself. Plus they see each other at school every day." I reminded her.

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