Chapter 67 - Billy's POV

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I woke up and even before I could open my eyes my head was throbbing with a ridiculous amount of pain. I groaned as I reached up and tried rubbing the pain out of my head.

"Oh good, he's awake." A male voice I didn't recognize said.

I opened my eyes and was blinded by the light that felt like it was going to burn its way through my eyeballs. I quickly snapped my eyes shut and tried to sit up but everything was spinning and I fell back over.

"Should we help him up?" A softer younger sounding girl said.

"No, let him suffer a little." The man said again.

I had no idea who this was or what was going on but I knew I needed to open my damn eyes. I forced my eyes open and dealt with the pain while they adjusted to the lights. Once I was able to see I whipped the tears from my eyes and took a deep breath before I forced myself up. I sat there with my arms resting on my knees as I squinted and looked down at my lap as I waited for the room to stop spinning. Once the room was almost completely still I looked up to see a middle aged man and a girl about Max's age sitting on the couch. That's when it hit me, the memorys. That's why I was here. I found them, I came here thinking I would find Max but I found Leslie as well.

She looked like she was on the verge of death. Her skin was paler than I had ever seen. Huge bags were under her eyes as if she hadn't slept in days. There was a large gash over her eye that was swollen and black and blue and there was blood all over her and something was wrong with her leg.

"Leslie, where's Leslie?" I asked and grabbed my head as my own voice hurt my head.

"Yeah, she's not here." The man told me.

"Where is she? Is she okay?" I asked as I tried to stand but fell back over.

"No she's not okay. She's at the hospital right now. Along with Steve Harrington who you beat nearly to death." He told me.

Who the fuck was this man?

I finally pulled myself to my feet and looked at the man noticing he was wearing a police jacket.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

"I'm Jim Hopper, the Chief of Hawkins P.D." He told me

I took a big breath and sat down in a nearby chair.

"Am I under arrest?" I asked him.

"Surprisingly neither Steve, Lucas, or your step sister wants to press charges." He said to me. "Infact Leslie asked me to come here and make sure you're okay. Even after everything you did. So that's why I'm here to take you to the hospital so you can get your car and go home." He told me.

"Why is my car at the hospital?" I asked him.

"Leslie drove herself and Steve to the hospital after you assaulted them!" He snapped at me, causing the girl next to him to jump a little.

"I didn't assault Leslie!" I snapped at him.

The man stood up and took a step closer to me.

"The bruise on her face and the cracked open skull says differently!" He yelled at me.

"She was all fucked up when I got here! I would never hurt her!" I yelled back at him as I stood up.

What he was saying was crazy, yeah I attacked Steve but he started it. Leslie was hurt when I walked in. I was just trying to find her and Max and get them home.

"Listen here boy, she was injured yes. Steve was trying to help her and you attacked him. Then you attacked her when she tried to pull you off Steve. If you have such anger issues that you cant even remember the fact that you hit her I think you should stay the fuck away from her and those children." He told me.

No he wasn't telling me, he was threatening me.

"Is that a threat?" I asked the man who I had no idea how he was even involved.

"Yes. I am threatening you. I am telling you to leave my daughters friends alone, I am telling you to stay away from your step-sisters." He told me.

"We live together." I reminded him.

"Figure it out." He told me before looking back at his daughter. "Go wait in the car." He told her.

She nodded at him and walked out of the house.

"Do we understand each other?" He asked me.

"Go fuck yourself." I told him as I turned to walk out of this house.

Once my back was turned he grabbed me by my collar and he picked me up and slammed my face into the wall.

"No, you're going to leave those kids alone or the next time we see eachother I will not be so nice." He then cuffed me and forced me out and into the back of his truck.

We drove a little in silence before I couldnt take it anymore I needed to know.

"What happened to Leslie?" I asked.

His eyes shot to me in the rear view mirror.

"I'm not sure. I'm here with you, not at the hospital. All I know is Steve found her, and before they could get help you attacked them." He answered me.

"I didn't mean to hurt her." I told him.

I don't even remember hitting her. I was so focused on Steve I was so angry. I needed to talk to her, I needed to ask her myself. If I hurt her I would never forgive myself but I needed her to tell me. I needed her to tell me the truth.

Before long we pulled into the hospital. He drove past the front entrance and to the back parking lot. He came to a stop next to my car. I looked out and could see that Leslie must have hit something while driving here.

"I'm going to uncuff you and you're going to get in your car and go home. Tell your parents where your sisters are. I don't care what you do after just stay away from Leslie." He told me.

I didn't answer him but I knew there was no way I was going home. If I went home without them and told my dad Leslie was in the hospital he would kill me. I was also not leaving without talking to Leslie.

I got in my car and decided to drive away. I would do a lap or two and then come back when this asshole wasn't around. I needed to see her, to know she was okay. I needed her to tell me what happened, to tell me who hurt her. What happened before I got there? I also needed to talk to her so I could figure out how to make this right becasye I knew I fucked up. She was not going to forgive me. I knew in my gut this was the line that I shouldn't have crossed and I did. That thought terrified me, the thought that she would hate me forever.

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