Chapter 29

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By the grace of god Billy wasn't home when I reached there. I quickly changed and climbed into bed before Max or my mom could figure out how late I got home. I was lying in bed struggling to fall asleep when it hit me. Where the hell was Billy?

I know I left him at the party but he should be home by now. Then panic started to overwhelm me. He was pretty drunk when I left him. What if he crashed trying to drive home? Hopefully he just decided to spend the night there and he's okay. I thought then instantly the thought as I imagined him in bed with that slut who was all over him at the party. Would he sleep with her? Did he sleep with her? These were the only two options my tired brain could muster. He was either dead in a ditch somewhere or he never left and is with Chirs.

I wish I had Tina's number. If I did I would call her and see if Billy stayed behind. I then realized I had no one's number. I wouldn't be able to call a single person who might know where he is. I laid down and pulled the blankets right up under my chin as I tried and pushed the bad thoughts out of my head.

Billy was okay, Billy is always okay. I told myself and if he slept with that bitch then maybe I would just take Eddie up on that date. Stop thinking like that he could be dead! I yelled at myself.

Just then the front door opened and for some strange reason I panicked and rolled over to my side and pretended to be asleep. It was obviously Billy who else would it be, but still I couldn't get myself to say anything or even open my eyes. I was scared, scared that he would have that after sex look to him. Scared that I would see him and know that he slept with her and I would never be able to forgive him.

I could hear his feet dragging on the floor as he stumbled around and bangged into things. He was clearly very drunk. I just wanted him to go to bed, dealing with an angry drunk Billy while I was coming down was not on my to do list. But he didn't go to bed. I could hear him stumbling his way through the kitchen as he walked over to Max's room. What the fuck is he doing? I thought as he pushed her door open a little. He didn't go inside so I guess he was just checking to see if she was in there. I then could hear him walking to my door. I kept my eyes closed but I could feel his gaze on me.

"Thank god." I heard him say from the door frame.

Then a few seconds later I could hear him enter my room. He walked around to the other side of my bed and climbed in. He laid down behind me and wrapped his arm around my wasit pulling me into his chest.

"Billy what are you doing?" I asked him as I looked at my open bedroom door.

"Thank god your here." He responded as his hold tightened around my waist.

"Where else would I be?" I asked him worried that he knew about Eddie.

"I couldn't find you." He said I looked over my shoulder to see that his eyes were closed.

He looked like he was about to pass out.

"What do you mean?" I asked him as I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let me.

"You left me." He said in the saddest voice I ever heard.

"Billy, you need to let me go." I told him.

"No, you'll leave me again." He replied.

"I didn't leave you. I left the party." I told him, causing him to open his eyes and look down at me.

His grip on me loosed enough so I could spin around and look at him.

"Yeah, and I tried to find you but I couldn't." I looked all over the party and Jonathan told me you left. "I don't like him." He said.

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