Chapter 41

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The rest of the day was actually pretty nice. Nothing bad happened and Billy was actually being nice.

"I'll see you in the car." Billy said to me when the last class was over.

"Okay." I answered and then headed out to Eddie's van.

"So we're really doing this?" Eddie asked when he saw me.

"Do I look like the type of girl to say I'm going to do something and then change my mind?" I asked him.

"Don't know you well enough to answer that. But I would like to." He answered.

"Good answer." I replied.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked me.

"I have to do one thing first." I told him.

"And what's that?" He asked me.

"I need Jeff's number." I told him.

"Why?" He asked.

"So I can give it to Billy." I answered him.

"And why would I want to give my friend's number to your crazy brother?" He asked me.

"Incase he needs to reach me. It was the only way I could get him to let me go." I answered him.

"I wasn't aware you needed his permission." Eddie said.

"Can I have his number or not?" I asked, starting to get annoyed with him.

"Yeah, fine." He said as he pulled out a napkin from his van and wrote it down.

"Thanks." I said as I grabbed it from him.

"I'll be right back." I told him as I hurried off to Billy who was waiting at his car watching the entire interaction.

"This is for you." I said as I handed him the napkin.

He took it but his eyes did not leave Eddie.

"Billy." I said, getting his attention.

"It's going to be okay." I reminded him.

"What's the kid's address you should get that to?" He told me.

"Why so you could show up and scare the crap out of a bunch of nerds?" I asked him.

"I don't know in case I need to get you." He said.

"Eddie said he would drive me home." I told him.

"What if you want to leave early?" He asked.

"Then I will call you." I told him.

"What if you have another seizure?" He asked me.

"Look I didn't want to tell you this because I didn't want you to worry. But the other night when I was with Eddie I had another dream episode thing." I told him.

"What? Are you okay? What happened?" He asked.

"It was like the other night when I didn't know I was asleep. But my point is Eddie handles it very well. And he made sure I was okay and brought me home. If something was to happen I will be fine. Eddie knows what's going on and will take me to the hospital." I told him.

"Fuck." He said as he shoved the napkin in his pocket.

"What?" I asked him.

"He really is a good guy isn't he?" He asked.

"Yes, and that bothers you?" I asked him confused.

"Yeah, it would be easier to hate him if he was an asshole." He answered.

"You don't have to hate him." I reminded him.

"How can I not? He's clearly into you." He told me.

"That's not true, not every guy I meat wants to fuck me." I told him.

"That may be true but he does." Billy told me.

"That's not true, he's just a friend." I told him even though I knew that Eddie would like to be more.

"Trust me he wants to be more than friends." Billy told me again.

"Trust me, that's not going to happen." I told him.

"Yeah why is that?" He asked as he smiled at me.

"I have my eyes set on another guy. You may know him, popular with the lady's has a great head of hair. Drives a nice car." I teased him.

His smile grew bigger on his face.

"Does this guy have a name?" He asked playing along.

"Yeah Steve." I answered, causing his smile to drop from his face.

"Get out of here before I change my mind." He told me.

"I'm going. But seriously I only have eyes for you." I told him before I hurried back to Eddie.

"Everything all sorted?" He asked.

"Yep, let's get out of here." I told him as I walked around to the passenger side.

He sprinted over and opened the door for me.

"How long are you going to do that for me?" I asked him.

"For however long you grace me with your presence." He answered.

"Shut up and let's go." I laughed at him.

"As you wish." He said as he ran back around to his side of the van.

Once inside he turned on the radio and sped out of the parking lot. I looked out my window and could see Billy watching as we drove away. I smiled even though I knew he could see. He really was trying to be better and make this work and I appreciated it. The Billy that he used to be before the marriage was peeking his way back out and it was nice to know that he still existed in there

"What are you thinking about?" Eddie asked me.

"About how I hope your band doesn't suck." I teased him.

"Cruel, your words hurt." He said as he placed his hand over his heart.

We both laughed and continued our way to Jeff's house. Despite my unknown health condition things were finally looking up. 

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