Chapter 4

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"What is taking you so long?" Max's voice rang from the other side of the bathroom door.

"God give me a minute!" I yelled back.

"You have been in there for ten minutes." She yelled back.

I looked in the mirror one more time making sure everything was in place before opening the door and letting her in.

"Good, you're so annoying. I can't even take a crap without you bugging me." I told her as I stormed out past her.

"Gross!" She called out after me.

I walked towards the cars to see the others were sitting in a booth of the small diner across the parking lot.

I made my way inside and sat down next to my mom, who was sitting on her side of the table by herself. While Billy and Neil sat on the other side. Neil was busy with his face buried in the menu while my mom was looking out the window probably for Max. Billy's eyes scanned me for a second before looking back to his menu. A few minutes later, Max comes back from the bathroom.

"Move, I want to sit near mom." She said as she slapped my shoulder lightly.

"Whatever," I responded as I slid out of the booth so she could get in between the two of us.

Once all of us were in our seats, it was only a few minutes before a waiter, probably about twenty, came over to take our orders.

"Hello, my name is Peter I'm your server today can I start you off with something to drink?" He asked in the stereotypical fake happy voice.

Everyone went around the table telling him what we wanted to drink. The way his eyes lingered on me a few seconds longer than everyone else when I ordered a coke did not go unnoticed to me. Or to Billy for that matter who was staring daggers at the young man. His eyes followed him as he walked away, both of his hands balled into fists on the top of the table.

"So what are you thinking about getting?" Mom asked me.

"Probably just a salad," I answered. I wanted to lose five pounds, even though Billy always told me he thought I was crazy for wanting to lose even a pound.

"Shit, eat some real food. Get a burger. Your not a fucking rabbit." Neil told me from across the table.

Everyone looked over to him. Max looked shocked, she always was. You think she would be used to him by now, but she was still very innocent. Mom looked scared, she was biting her lower lip like she does every time she wants to say something to him, and she literally has to bite her lip to keep from saying something that would upset him. Billy looked at his father with the same hate in his eyes he always had when he would talk to or about me.

"Leave her alone, dad. If she wants to eat dogshit let her eat dogshit." Billy told his dad to stick up for me even though he did not agree with me trying to lose weight.

I could not help but smile slightly before noticing the angry look Neil was giving his son.

"What did you say, boy?" Neil snapped at Billy, who slightly recoiled away.

I did not think Neil would hit Billy in the middle of the dinner, but I was not one hundred percent sure.

"You know what Neil, you're right. A burger does sound so much better." I told him with a big fake smile on my face pulling his attention away from Billy.

"See at least someone in this family listens to me," Neil mumbled as he looked around for our waiter.

I looked up to Billy, who still looked upset and I gave him a silent thank you before closing my menu.

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