Chapter 18

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We pulled into the parking lot and I was about to get out of the car when Billy held out his arm to stop me.

"You have two hours then I'm coming back to pick you up." Billy told her.

"Two hours come on, at least give me three." Max said to him.

"I said two hours! You're lucky I dropped you off at all!" He yelled at her.

"Billy..." I started to say.

"Stay out of this Leslie!" He yelled at me.

"Two hours and you better be ready or you will regret it!" He yelled at her.

"Fine!" She yelled back at him. "Leslie let me out of the car!"

"Sorry." I said then got out and opened the door for her.

"Two hours okay." I told her as I climbed back in.

"I said fine!" She yelled at me as she slammed the door closed.

Billy started driving off even before the door was fully closed. I looked in the rear view mirror to see Max flipping us off.

"Did you need to yell at her?" I asked him.

"You need to stop babying her." He snapped at me.

"She was just asking for one more hour." I told him.

"One more hour and Neil would make it home before us. Do you want to explain to him why we dropped her off again?" Billy yelled at me.

I was confused. Billy's dad worked the night shifts. He should be at work until nine tomorrow morning.

"I can tell by the look on your face you didn't know he got called in this morning to cover. Which he was pissed about. Especially considering he now has to work tomorrow and miss his horror movie night marathon." He told me.

"I didn't know. When I didn't see him this morning I assumed he was sleeping." I told him.

"Yeah, well you assumed wrong." He replied.

"You still didn't need to yell at her." I told him.

"Look I get it, but she needs to learn how the real world is." He told me.

"The real world involves yelling?" I asked him.

"The real world involves not always getting your way." He told me.

"I get that Billy but all you had to tell her was Neil was going to be home early. She's not deaf and blind. She lives with us too. She knows how he is. She would have understood." I told him.

"Everytime I'm nice to that girl I get in trouble." He said.

By in trouble he ment beat by his father but I wasn't going to correct him.

"That girl is my little sister. I really would appreciate it if you could at least try and be nicer to her." I told him.

"Whatever." He answered.

"Not whatever Billy, I mean it." I told him strongly.

He took a quick side glance at me before focusing back on the road.

"Fine, I'll try." He answered.

"Thank you." I responded.

"Anything for you." He mumbled softly.

He probably thought I wouldnt be able to hear him over the loud music but I did. I smiled at him as I reached over and placed my hand on top of his. He relaxed into my touch and moved my hand to the arm rest dividing us so he could grab onto it in between him shifting gears as we drove along. It was a simple thing, holding hands. Most people took it for granted but not us. The only time we could was when we were alone driving around in his car. It was almost a sacred thing for the two of us. Hidden kisses and touches could happen anywhere as long as we had a second alone. But to actually be able to have enough time together to do the simplest of things, holding hands only existed in this car. 

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