Chapter 2

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A few days later we were all packed up and ready to leave California. Billy and I were still not talking. He was pretending to be mad at me but truthfully, I knew he was just scared of taking another beating from his dad. I tried to talk to him, but he just continued to push me away. I knew it was the right thing to do to distance ourselves but that did not change the fact that I missed him. It still hurt every time we passed each other on the way to the bathroom or had to eat dinner at the table together. The pained look in his eyes did not go unnoticed by me even though it did everyone else. It also broke my heart every time I noticed him putting in an effort not to make eye contact with me. He had been successful up until now.

The four of us stood outside the house. The moving van was so full they had to put some boxes in the back of the truck. So, I got kicked out of the family car and forced to drive with Billy. After my mother told us we were driving together because Max refused to drive with him, it was the first time in days that he actually looked at me. Our eyes met over the hood of his car and I could easily see the fear in his eyes. The thought of being alone in the car together seemed just as terrifying for him as it was for me. I did not know if we were going to sit in this car silently the entire way, make up with each other, or kill each other before we made it to our new home.

"Now you two follow behind us, right behind us." He told Billy.

"You don't get off the highway, you don't make any stops. You follow behind us the entire way. Do you understand?" His dad asked him in his scary stern voice.

"Yes." Billy mumbled as he looked down at his feet.

"What did I tell you about mumbling?" His dad snapped at him.

"Yes, Sir." Billy responded in a louder voice.

"Good." He said as he walked back to my mom and pulled her into a tight hug making my skin crawl.

"It's never going to stop being disgusting." Billy said from next to me.

I looked over to him to see him staring at our parents. I watched him look at them in disgust and could not fight off the sinking feeling in my stomach. I would sell my soul for him to just look at me. I missed his blue eyes, I really missed how they would look at me. Like everyone else his glare was the most intimidating thing in the world but when he looked at me his eyes were always soft and filled with love. I craved for him to look at me like that again, but he didn't. He just turned around and jumped in the car slamming the door closed behind him. I looked after him confused about my feelings.

My brain told me this was a good thing. Don't try and talk to him, just go on like this. Like two step-siblings who hate each other. This was the better option of the two. Hating my step brother was far better than being in love with him. I hated myself for even thinking about it. Love what did I know about love. I tried to convince myself that I was too young, that I was just obsessed with his sexy ass because being in love with him would hurt too much. That in itself was the problem. I could not live to myself because every time I looked at him it was as if someone was stabbing me in the heart and I forgot how to breathe. It physically hurt me too not be near him. To not talk and be with him how we were before.

I threw my sunglasses on to hide the tears that were threatening to spill from my eyes and claimed into the passenger seat of his car. I watched him from the side of my eye. He could not see me because of the glasses but I hoped he would look over to me. Show any sign that he felt even a fraction of what I did. It never happened. He just stared ahead watching his father's car until he started up the car and followed after him. This really was going to be the longest car ride of my life. This was hell, this was how I was going to die. My love for Billy was going to be the death of me.

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