Chapter 33 - Max's POV

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"Should we go after him?" Leslie asked.

"Hell yeah he's not leaving me behind." I answered as I started towards the door but stopped when I didn't hear Leslie following me.

I turned back around to see her just standing there.

"Leslie." I said as I started walking towards her.

It took me only a second to recognize what was going on.

"Holy shit." I said as I ran over to her and grabbed on to her face.

"Leslie, wake up." I told her then the realization that she might not even be asleep hit me.

She was just talking to me. There is no way she is asleep that fast. Something is seriously wrong with her.

"Leslie, please not here. I dont know what to do. Snap out of it!" I yelled at her as I tried to shake her awake.

"Mike! Will! Lucas! Dustin! Anyone please help!" I yelled out but no one came.

"Go away!" She started to yell over and over again.

"Leslie, it's just me. Please calm down." I pleaded with her then all of a sudden the yelling stopped.

Her mouth hung open and she started gasping for air.

"Oh my god." I said as I realized she was having trouble breathing. "Someone help she can't breathe!" I yelled again but no one was there.

She then fell over. I had to jump forward to catch her head so it wouldn't hit the ground. I held her there for a few seconds before her body started to violently shake. I tried to hold her still as much as I could but it wasn't working. Nothing I did was helping and no one was coming no matter how much I yelled.

"Please Leslie." I begged as the tears were streaming down my face.

"Will!" I then heard Dutins voice yell.

He then was talking to a lady's voice I did not recognize.

"Dustin help!" I yelled out again and this time he heard me.
He came running in and saw me holding my sister.

"Shit." He said as he looked back the way he had come as if he had something else to do.

"Please help me." I begged him.

"Did you find Will?" He asked into his walkie.

"Who cares about Will!" I yelled.

"He's in the field, we can't wake him up! Where are you?" Mike yelled back into the walkie.

"We need help in here! Max's sister is having a seizure!" He yelled into the walkie.

"What?" I heard Mike's voice call back through.

"What do we do? What do we do?" Dustin asked me as he sat by my side.

"I don't know. I don't know how to make it stop." I answered him.

Then she stilled. It was like nothing happened and she was just sleeping in my arms.

"Wills okay he's awake." Mike's voice came over the walkie and I couldn't help but look down at my sister and wonder what the hell was going on.

"We need help in here ,someone call 911!" Duston yelled in the walkie.

A few seconds later the group walked into the room along with an older lady who was holding onto Will. I assumed she must be his mom.

"What's goin on?" The lady asked.

"She's having a seizure, please call for help?" I begged her.

"At the same time Will was having an episode." Dustin told her.

She looked at Leslie concerned as if she had just grown another head.

"Okay Will stay here. Don't let him out of your site. Honey, I'm going to find a phone and call for help." She told me before running off.

I looked up at the group who all looked very worried except for Will who was just standing there quite and very calm.

"I'm totally freaked out." I said as I sat with my sister's head in my lap and tried to rock her awake. "Does this not freak you guys out?" I asked them.

They were all benign, far too calm, far too calm.

"Two episodes in two day." Lucas said in a hushed whisper so Will wouldn't hear.

"It's getting worse." Mike said.

I shot my head up into his direction.

"How did you know that?" I asked him.

"What about Will we were with him?" He answered.

"About my sister?" I asked him.

Before he could answer, Will's mom came back into the room.

"I called 911 there on the way." She told me.

"Thank you." I told her as I looked down to my sister who looked so peaceful at the moment it was almost scary.

A few minutes later I heard the sirens and Will's mom ran outside to flag them down and tell them where we were. When they reached us Leslie was still unconscious. I told them what happened as best I could as they lauded her on a stretcher and put her in the back of an ambulance. I heard the boys talking about something called true sight while I walked past them.

"Can I come with you?" I asked the lady.

"Get in." She answered and I quickly got in before she could change her mind.

I sat as we drove off and I watched as they hooked Leslie up to all sorts of machines. I knew they were trying to help but I had a sinking feeling that no one would be able to help her. 

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