Chapter 54

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After far too much walking we left the train tracks and a few minutes later the woods entirely. The three of us stepped out into a clearing full of old run down cars, trucks and a few buses. Steve let out a loud sigh as he looked over the junkyard.

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, this will do." He said as he stepped forward and took his glasses off. "This will do just fine."

"Good call, dude." He told Dustin, causing him to smile.

"Let's go." I told him as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

He continued to smile as the two of us followed after Steve. We continued to leave a trail as we walked in. Most of our meat was gone, so whatever it was we were going to do needed to be done soon. We got to the middle of the opening and the three of us poured out the rest of our buckets into one large pile. It made a disgusting noise as it came out of the buckets and I almost vomited.

"I said medium-well!" A voice called out from across the yard.

I looked over to see that it was Lucas and he was not alone. He was standing near his bike waving at me and Max was standing next to him.

"Who's that?" Steve asked.

"My sister." I answered. "What the fuck is she doing here?" I asked Dustin who shrugged his shoulders in response.

Steve and I watched as Dustin's face dropped. He looked upset to see the two of them together and I could understand why. The poor kid had it bad for my sister and I wasn't even sure if she cared about him at all.

Dustin pulled Lucas aside and the two of them were hiding behind a car as they were louding whisper fighting behind it about Lucas telling Max the truth.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I could ask you the same thing." She responded as she crossed her arms and stared at me.

"I'm seventeen. I can do things you can't." I told her.

"That's bullshit. I'm only four years younger than you." She snapped at me. "So you snuck out, which Billy probably figured out by now. Why to hang out with big hair with the bat?" She asked.

"No, because I needed to know if what they said was the truth." I answered him.

"What's going on with you and Lucas?" I asked her.

"Nothing. I wanted to know the truth just like you." She answered.

"God stop being so much like me." I told her.

"What's wrong with being like you?" She asked me.

"I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I am falling apart." I told her, causing her to roll her eyes.

"I mean it, I am a disaster, a mess, falling apart at the seams and holding myself together with tape or some bullshit." I told her, causing her arms to unfold and her to look at me seriously.

"Are you okay?" She asked me.

"No." I answered.

"Hey you two can you help me!" Steve called out to us. "Grab any big pieces of metal!" He said as he hurried off again.

"Who is that?" SHe asked me.

"That's Steve, he's a friend from school." I answered her.

"Just a friend?" She asked as she picked up a broken yellow sign.

"Yes, just a friend." I answered her.

"Why? He's hot." She said as she bumped her shoulder into me.

"Shut up." I said as I pushed her back. "Plus he is in love with his girlfriend."

"Oh so that's why." She teased.

"Oh my god Max, no. I truly only like him as a friend." I told her. "What's going on with you and Lucas?" I asked, turning the questioning back on her.

"Nothing, were not even really friends. I just am curious about all of this, just like you." She answered.

"You know you don't need to lie to me. It's okay if you like him." I told her. "It's also okay if you like Dustin." I told her, causing her attention to snap back to me.

"Dustin, what about Dustin?" She asked.

"Nothing just letting you know, you have people here who already care about you. You should try being nice to them." I told her.

"Okay, mother." She said as she walked away and started picking up more mettle.

"Come on Leslie, your little sister is helping more than you!" He yelled, causing Max to turn and stick out her tongue at me.

I found the hood of a car that was lying on the floor and dragged it over and stood it up against the bus. As Max picked up smaller pieces.

"Hey! Dickheads! How come the only ones helping me out is this random thirteen year old girl and her crazy sister?" Steve asked the two boys as he slammed a chair on the top of the car they were hiding behind.

"Did he just call you crazy?" Max asked me.

"Yeah but I kinda feel a little crazy at the moment." I answered as I got back to work.

"We lose light in forty minutes. Let's go. Let's go, I said!" He yelled at the two boys who still weren't moving.

The two boys followed after him.

"All right, asshole! God!" Dustin said.

"Okay, stupid." Steve replied as the group of boys rejoined us.

"Are you guys finally going to help us?" I asked as they walked up.

"Oh my god, we're helping. Jeeze!" Dustin yelled as he started picking up metal boards like the rest of us.

Steve and I were stacking a pile in front of the bus. Max was now handing them off to Lucas who was in the bus so he and Dustin who were inside were blocking the windows.

"Guys over here!" Steve yelled.

The four of us walked over to him and he was standing near five barrels. All of us grabbed one and rolled it back to the bus. When we got back to the bus I sat down for a break while Steve got the lighter fluid.

"Are you okay?" Max asked me.

"Yeah. Why?" I asked her.

"You look like you're thinking about something that's not being eaten by a monster slug." She told me.

"Do you think they realized where gone?" I asked her as I was thinking about how worried Billy must be and how Neil would react.

"Definitely. We have been gone all day. When I left Billy thought you were asleep. He definitely went in by now to make sure you're not dead." She said as he continued to move things around.

I looked over to Sgteve who was pouring a trail of lighter fluid from the pile of meat to the bus where we would be hiding.

"Who cares there, both assholes. I doubt they will even care." She said as she grabbed the ladder and carried it inside so we could get out the roof in the emergency exit if we needed.

After a few minutes of us finishing up setting the trap the bus was completely reinforced and the five of us went inside and shut the door. The only thing we could do is wait. 

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