00 | the back story of taehyung and jungkook

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00 | Jungkook's back story

being an alpha was a gift, being a trueblood alpha was a gift from the angels — so people thought. the raven has always gotten everything handed to him on a silver platter. coming from a well known pack has it's perks. every male alpha and beta wanted to be in jeon jungkook's place.

to jungkook, he just wanted to have a normal life. he did not want to have an arranged marriage, he wanted to find his mate. being a true-blood meant a lot, lots of expectations and decisions to make. when word came around that he is soon going to be crowned the head alpha of the crimson pack, he decided to run.

he packed majority of his things and ran out of the deep woods, not telling anyone his plan, leaving his friends and family behind. not a trace, footstep or hair left of him in those pack grounds. jungkook was a tough male, he believed he could survive the evil depts of the forrest and the evil world that he was heading to.

he believed he would be able to survive the evil cities more than becoming the head alpha.

no one knew what happened to jungkook, his pack could not find him years later. It had been two years since he escaped his pack. he worked full-time until he could pay for school fee's and a place to live, he slept in parks, benches, under bridges, or old run down homes that had not been used for years.

luckily time went fast and he reached that point, already about to start his first day at school. highschool. He only needed to finish his last year, that was the goal. he loved human life, he loved walking to cafes, going to the beach and going for a swim. those were dreams of many wolfs in packs across the country.

there are many humans who believe in werewolves which can become dangerous, the more humans that believe in them the worst. running away from your pack was not legal, it was seen as a crime. what shocked the people of the crimson pack was that it was their soon to be head alpha that had ran away.

not another wolf, a guard, a family member but their leader. someone who was meant to protect them. when jungkook went missing the pack went ballistic, they blamed him as well as his family. they thought it was his parents who scared him off, but it was everyone including the people of the pack.

no one ever asked him 'how are you feeling about this all' or 'is there anything I can do to make this process of you becoming head alpha easy?'. it was like they all left him and expected him to find his own way. deciding to leave the pack was harder than he thought, he spent days pacing around his room debating if he should leave or not.

the raven had friends at his pack, close friends that he did not want to leave but not even they seemed to care about his feelings with the pressure that was held over his shoulders. as a male people expected him to take that all on by himself he was strong, powerful and brave. so becoming head alpha was not a huge deal, he should know how to handle this.

but it was the opposite. he may look strong, powerful and brave on the outside but on the inside he was just a teenage boy with hopes and dreams. one of the things that made him step outside the pack grounds was his mate.

he has never came in contact with his mate, and it was coming around to the point where he had to get an arranged marriage — which was something he was not happy about.

00 | Taehyung's back story

a omega, who would of thought. the only omega to ever exist in the whole world. for years people hunted wolfs, killing and kidnapping the smaller kind hoping to find an omega. It was if you were mated to an omega you had the ultimate power, money and popularity. being able to say 'my mate is a omega' would immediately earn you respect.

the brunette knew this, he was taught everything he knew from his grandmother who sadly passed away two years ago. finding your whole world laying in bed, not waking up was a different type of pain. as soon as taehyung's hand touched her arm he flinched when hard tissue and coldness spread through his hand.

he knew immediately that she passed in her sleep, she was not sick, she was a little older then most people in the pack but taehyung thought he had so much time with her. as soon as he notified the head guards of the pack they came to retrieve her body, leaving taehyung all alone to figure everything out.

while tears were streaming down his face, he packed all of his grandma's valuables that she treasured and cared about deeply. when the pack leader showed up to the door, not caring about how the brunette just lost his grandma as he told him he had a day to figure out where he was going to stay and if he found no where he would be kicked out the pack.

after the pack leader left the male dropped to the floor, covering his mouth with his hand as he let out many sobs. the overwhelming grief and sadness he felt was something that he could not describe. it was if two people were at each side of his heart and were pulling it, stretching it as far as they could while the top of his heart ripped into pieces.

he knew he did not have much time, after a few hours of crying and trying to hold himself together he made sure he packed in his backpack all his belongings and grabbed another bag to put all of the items his grandma loved. her necklaces, rings, pictures, frames, perfumes, ipad and phone and her favourite blanket.

After packing everything, he looked at the house feeling tears swirl down his cheeks as he quickly looked away. he ran towards the forrest, making sure no one saw him. the necklace his grandmother gave him when he was first born, wrapped around his neck — the pendant glowing purple as he ran through the forrest.

that memory was stuck in his head as if it was just yesterday that he lost the one person who made him the happiest.

will jungkook and taehyung be able to survive for long? or will the two of them meeting, be the end of their fate.

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