39 | wanting to make a difference

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jungkook spent a while talking to his parents about the whole head alpha situation. he felt really good having that conversation with them, it made him happy that he was able to share his thoughts and feeling's about the role without his parents getting pissed like they did before he ran away. 

by the time the raven finished his little meeting with his parents, he went back to the bedroom to see taehyung on the bed a huge smile on his face. "you okay love?" jungkook questions after shutting the door and walking over to the omega who immediately showed him his phone. 

"look who just got arrested!" he squealed, jungkook looked at the phone to see and picture of thomas and his father in hand cuffs the article titled "rich business owner randy and son thomas involved in illegal hunting and getting away with murder have just been arrested" 

the smile jungkook had on his face was overwhelming, the male felt so happy for taehyung and other people in that town. "that was all your hard work babe, all the evidence you gathered. your the reason why they wont be able to hurt anymore people" he whispered, pecking the males forehead after saying 'I am so proud of you'. 

it felt so good on taehyung's side, to see the evidence he gathered mattered and it most likely as saved people's lives. 

"where were you? I thought we both were going to sleep in?" he pouted, causing his mate to chuckle. 

"I was talking to my parents about me wanting to become head alpha" the raven said, watching as the omega's eyes widened. "really?, is that something you want to do" he questioned, jungkook felt content with that reply, the omega knew it was something he did not want at the start. 

"I want to change things around this pack, we could make it into our own town. add parks, malls, shops, schools and kindergartens. a university maybe? I know a few people here that are out of jobs who are so intelligent and wise and can really help people" 

"I want to change the future of this pack, the pack grounds is so beautiful but we cut off so much land that we still own. we can expand. there is a huge beach that is part of this land that we just cut off. I want the pack to feel like this is their home not a jail cell for werewolves"

taehyung could see the passion in jungkook's eyes whenever he talked about things he wanted to do for this pack. "and that is why you will be a great leader, because your first thoughts were not about you but for the people of this pack" the omega whispered after cupping both the males cheeks. 


"son the announcement is in two minutes, everyone is already outside" his mother voiced out from behind the door. jungkook was currently getting ready for the big announcement of going for head alpha and that the fact he was back and ready to be the leader they all need. 

"will be out in a minute ma" he said, adjusting his hair. 

he felt nervous, and a little afraid. but he keeps reminding himself how much he wants this. and that is what matters.

jungkook opened his bedroom door and walked down the stairs to meet everyone else. he smiled, hugging namjoon who was in front of him. 

"I missed you bro, it is so nice having you back" the alpha whispered, pulling away from the hug as he replied. "I missed you too, also congrats on mating with jin" he winked, when he noticed the mark on jin's neck. 

"protect him, he is new to all this wolf stuff" he said, namjoon nodded and patted his back. 

"your back!" hoseok said jumping on the male who chuckled. 

"it is great to see you hoseok, how is your girlfriend? is she out of medical care?" jungkook questioned, hoseok nodded and said they will talk more about it later. 

"the whole pack is outside waiting, are you ready son" his father called out, adjusting the royal attire on his son who nodded. 

"let's do this" jungkook let out a shaky breath when he followed after his parents outside. making sure taehyung was following behind. since jungkook found his mate he has to introduce him to the pack, they deiced to keep the pregnancy quiet for now and tell jungkook's parents when it is the right time. 

when the brunette stepped put on the little stage that the guards had set up for the announcement he looked out to see so many people looking at them, probably more of a population than the human town. 

the omega watched as people gasped as soon as they laid eyes on jungkook lots of people whispering and talking to each other until loud horns were heard. first jungkook's parents talked then soon after it was time for jungkook's announcement. 

"as many of you know I left the pack because of the responsibility of becoming head alpha was too overwhelming for me. I was young and immature and was confused on where my path to the rest of my life would go. after going to the human towns, it was scary. I was lucky enough to have met friends along the way who are now also werewolves and have joined this beautiful pack that we all call family"

"I met the love of my life, the person I want to spend the rest of my life with and the person who made me realise that I love taking care of people, I love people being able to rely on me and taehyung, my mate" jungkook said looking at the brunette who had tears streaming down his face. 

"is the reason why I have been sitting on the idea of becoming head alpha." a lot of whispers were heard but before anyone could say anything jungkook continued. 

"I am not asking to be forgiven or for you to be excited. I am asking for your vote, let me make a difference in this pack. rely on me to make this pack a safe place for you, for your children and grandchildren. I want to be the person that changes this pack and makes a difference that does not benefit one group, but benefits all" 

"thank you" jungkook smiled, bowing a little as he wrapped his arm around taehyung's waist and they exited the stage and when back into the pack house. 

"that was an amazing speech babe" taehyung whispered pecking his neck. 

"you have my vote" the omega continued, causing jungkook to pinch his sides and chuckle at the comment.

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