06 | I was not going to let them hit you

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the night was cold, the whole room was dark but the only light source were the flashing lights on the dance floor as well as led light strips against the bar. the brunette pushed a beer towards a customer before chucking a flannel over his shoulder and walking towards the next customer to ask what they would like. 

taehyung had spent a fair amount of time working at this bar, it was his first ever job. sometimes he still finds himself trying to wrap his head around how rude customers could be. you always get your occasional nice ones, but majority of them were nineteen year olds from his highschool thinking they can get free drinks just cause he is sam's bestfriend. 

"tae, serve the customer on the other side. he has been waiting ages. boss needs to see me" sam whispered from behind him, not wanting to yell in the males ear as the music was booming. at times they could barely hear themselves think over the bass hitting the ground. 

the brunette quickly walked to the other side of the bar, the bar was basically in a circle where customers sat at when they wanted to drink or take a break from all the dancing. taehyung's eyes landed on the male who was waiting to be served, he walked towards him and patted his shoulder. 

"sorry I took so long sir, it has been crazy-" taehyung started chuckling but soon stopped when his eyes met those cold brown ones that made his stomach drop but his heart flip. 

"hey" the raven whispered, turning his body around to face the male who had a shocked expression plastered over his face. jungkook felt all the feeling's taehyung was feeling as well, they both were curious as to why they feel this way but they both had no idea that each other had the same feelings. 

"u-um, can I pour you a drink?" taehyung asked, fiddling with his apron that was around his waist. he felt nervous, trying to keep eye contact with the male as he felt if he turned the other way it would make people think he was scared of them. 

he hated knowing people had some type of power over him, being a omega sucked. his grandma always talked about the beautiful side of being an omega but the brunette always had trouble seeing it. 

"sure, just a coke with bourbon" 

was it weird to think the males voice was a lot deeper than what he expected, it was if for years they had only ever seen each other but never heard each others voices. when taehyung turned to get to drink ready, the raven's eyes never turned away from him. if anyone caught jungkook looking at the smaller male like that, people would assume the male was in love. 

"here you go" taehyung whispered, handing the drink over to the taller who thanked him and took the drink. 

taehyung had no idea if he should walk away or stay, normally it was important for them to stay for a little to create conversation. customer service at its finest. as he was about to walk away he stopped when he heard the same deep voice call his name. 

he felt his heart skip when his name had left the males lips. to jungkook it felt amazing to have said his name out loud. it was if he had been waiting for it, like his wolf wanted him to say it. when the male turned to look at him he felt the words that were wanting to come out stuck in his throat. 

"thank you" he said, over the loud music he was surprised the brunette even knew what he was saying. he felt pride fill his chest when taehyung smiled, and gosh his smile was the most gorgeous thing jungkook had ever seen. 

as soon as taehyung turned away jungkook had grabbed his phone from his pocket, clicking onto his notes app as he scrolls down his list. 


1. try get a picture of taehyung.
2. find him in his happiest moment.
3. talk to him, atleast once. ✔️
4. come up with better suggestions.

he sighed once he turned his phone off. when he got taehyung's name for the art assessment, he felt like he already failed. jungkook was not great at art, or so he thought. the raven thought that taehyung was so beautiful that he would be impossible to draw. when he asked the teacher for a new person to draw she shook her head. 

the taller's eyes scanned the bar, searching for taehyung until his eyes landed on him who was talking to sam. he watched as sam whispered in his ear, pulling away as he looked worried. his eyes followed taehyung's gaze that turned to a group of four men who walked into the bar, bandannas across their heads and tattoo's scattered along their arms. 

jungkook felt the vibe in the room change, some people went quiet and others walked further from them. the raven watched as the brunette stood in his place along side sam who soon whispered something to taehyung who nodded. when sam jogged towards the back of the club, the true-blood alpha had his senses heightened. 

he felt his heart slightly drop as soon as he watched one of the guys nudge the person next to him and tilted his head towards a male across the bar. as soon as he watched the guy reach behind him, his eyes widened as soon as he saw a gun. when people screamed jungkook pushed himself away from the bar, noticing taehyung was in the middle. 

pushing himself up as he swung his legs over the bar, he wrapped his arms around the brunette. as soon as he reached him and pushed them both to the ground. just in time as a loud gunshot went off. loud screams filled the room and more gunshots went off.

glasses of beer were falling over the bar. the raven looked down to see taehyung's face was hidden in his chest, he looked as if he passed out, he tapped the males cheek's— ignoring the sparks that jolted through his body as soon as they touched. 

he shuffled into the curve of the bar, creating himself as a shield as he tried to shake the male awake. 

"come on tae, wake up" 


"fucking damit" 

jungkook scanned the males body to make sure he did not get shot, feeling around the males hair and then checking his hand every moment to make sure he had no cut his head. he held the males body towards him closer as loud shouts and things smashing were the only noise jungkook could hear. 

the raven let out a sigh in relief when he watched taehyung flutter his eyes open, gasping as he tried to get out of jungkook's hold. 

"no, hey... hey. your okay, I got you" jungkook whispered, smiling when the brunette eased into his hold when he seemed to realise where he was. his heart stung when he noticed how confused and scared the smaller looked. 

"w-what is happening" he whispered to jungkook, who could hear pretty well considering the noise. 

"these men walked in and were searching for someone and once they found the person, I saw them grab a gun and I saw where they were about to shoot and-"

"I was not going to let them hit you" the alpha blurted out, soon afterwards slapping himself internally. 'why did I say that' the male groaned, looking away from taehyung who shuffled a little out his hold. 

"thank you, for saving me" 

jungkook turned to look at him when he heard those words, ignoring the sounds of police barging through the bar as they push the gunmen to the ground. both their eyes didn't leave each others, it was if the noise suddenly disappeared and it was only the two of them in the room. 

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