24 | attacked by a friend

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when the word 'mate' had chanted through their head they both were shocked. their eyes could not leave each others as it felt like they both were in some type of trance. the raven was cut out of his thoughts when he heard sam call out his name, he gave one look at taehyung before walking out the room. 

the brunette stood their, lips parted and mind foggy. 'what just happened' he thought as he quickly turned to his bag, placing his necklace into a pocket and making sure he had all the pieces. the omega left the room and walked towards his next class. 

"taehyung!" someone yelled from behind him. he turned to see rose rushing towards him. 

"your back!" the brunette said, spreading his arms for rose to jump into which is exactly what she did. 

"yes!, oh my gosh new zealand was so much fun. you have to come with me the next time I go" rose said, pulling away from taehyung after they hugged to link arms. 

"did you find your parents?" taehyung questioned, bitting his lip as he anxiously waited for her to reply. 

"no, I did not. It was all fake. I know you said it could be but at least I get to travel" taehyung frowned. he felt really bad, rose has been in search for her parents every since she started highschool. she wanted to learn about her history and where she came from. 

rose spent majority of her youth at the orphanage, they told her that on a christmas eve she was left inside the office at the front desk and there was no one around. when she learnt what happened she wanted to so badly find her parents but could not. so she started travelling, visiting lose hope around the world of people saying they are her parents. 

"one day rose" taehyung patted her hand as they walked to class. 

the brunette started to think, why do all of his friends have such strong misplacement with their families. it is really sad. 

"jin and I missed you, it is nice to have you back" taehyung smiled as they both walked down the hallway.


and just like that the day was over, taehyung's feet felt as if they were aching. as soon as he got home he took his shoes and socks off and jumped on his bed, face first. letting out a sigh in relief when his feet were taken off the floor. 'this feels amazing' he thought before turning over. 

he thought he was home by himself until he heard something smash on the ground, he was back on his feet and the noise directed him to jin's room which was currently shut. he called out to him after knocking on the door, when he heard something else smash onto the ground he quickly opened it.

only to see jin's back towards him, he looked really sweaty and his hands were clenched into fists. "jin are you okay?" taehyung said, stepping over the glass to walk closer to jin. as he placed a hand on the males shoulder all of a sudden he felt the air get knocked out of lungs, soon his back was harshly met with the wall and a hand gripped his throat. 

when taehyung opened his eyes he was met with yellow eyes, the omega panicked. finding it hard to breath as he tried to kick jin but it did not budge him. 

the omega could sense jungkook walk into the dorm, his eyes turned to the plate that was hanging off the edge of the desk and kicked it. causing it to smash onto the ground. he soon heard rushed footsteps come towards the room, he coughed as soon as jin's hands were off his throat. 

"get out of here taehyung!" jungkook yelled, holding jin down. the brunette did not have to be told twice and quickly rushed out the room, grabbing his phone and shoes as he ran out the dorm building. 

he coughed a few times, still feeling jin's hands on his throat a little. 

jimin and yoongi rushed towards him when they saw him crouched outside the dorm. 

"taehyung?! are you okay?" yoongi said as he bent down to his level, jimin alongside him who saw the marks on his neck. 

"j-jin. j-jungkook holding him down" taehyung coughed up, needing water fast. 

"I will take him to get water, you go help jungkook" jimin said, helping taehyung up as yoongi nodded and ran towards the dorm. 


jimin was sat next to taehyung who was drinking his fifth bottle of water, every time taehyung talked he kept getting thirsty. when jimin checked his phone he saw a message from jungkook saying. 

'is taehyung okay? jin is calm now, he feels so bad for what he did to taehyung. he says he does not even remember hurting him'

jimin hummed when he saw the message and decided to text back. 

'taehyung is okay, just having water. he does not blame jin, it was scary but he knows jin would never hurt him and he knew that there was going to be a chance that even if jin hugged him his strength would go over taehyung's' 

taehyung was reading the messages and nodded at what jimin was replying with. 

"tell jungkook to tell jin that I love him and I will bring some of his favourite donuts back to the dorms, and to rest as much as he can" the brunette said, watching as jimin typed fast on the phone. 

"your a good person tae" jimin smiled, ruffling the brunettes hair after pressing send.

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