13 | sometimes the strongest werewolf wants to feel safe as well.

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taehyung asked jungkook if he could have a shower instead of just changing, the raven nodded his head and showed him where everything is. once the brunette finished showering and got changed, he was wearing grey track-pants and one of his shirts, he had his hands rubbing his arms as he entered the kitchen.

whatever jungkook was cooking smelt amazing to taehyung, he felt so incredibly hungry but also felt really tired from just showering. he watched jungkook carry the pot over to the bench and place it on a wooden chopping board. 

"go sit on the couch, I will bring this to you" jungkook said, not even looking at him which threw taehyung off cause he did not know that the raven knew he was standing there. 

after sitting down on the couch he watched as jungkook placed his food on the table in front of him, placing a cup of water next to it. "drink up" was the only thing he said before leaving the room to go back to the kitchen. taehyung did not need to be told twice as he dug into his food. 

the raven sat in the kitchen eating his food as he scrolled on his phone, now and then turning his head to look out the window as he heard the heavy rain it the window. his eyes glanced a long the dark grey clouds that were heading their way. it was shitty weather, looks like there is going to be a storm tonight. 

jungkook really wanted to sit down with taehyung and ask him straight up "are you an omega?". to others it may seem very obvious but jungkook grew up knowing how rare they are, also the gadgets have never been tested heaps and there is not a lot of data to back it up. could it only work on beta's?. 

he did not want to push any boundaries though, he wanted taehyung to be able to trust him. they live in a scary world. he definitely knows the brunette is a werewolf which is insane to him. he was so sure he was the only werewolf in town. finding out taehyung is a werewolf is scary, does that mean there are more of them in town. 

the only thing that was giving jungkook confidence was that he was the only true-blood alpha to exist, he was the strongest werewolf there is to date. 


it was now ten at night and taehyung felt nervous, jungkook had just finished having a shower and was in his room. taehyung sat on the couch watching tv, he felt extremely tired trying his best to keep awake. he felt a loss of connection with his wolf, he felt more vulnerable, scared, cold and afraid. jungkook did not pack any of his jumpers and he so badly wanted to ask jungkook if he could wear one of his.

but felt embarrassed to do so. 

the rain was pouring harder against the apartment dorms, a few flashes of lightning and booms of thunder hitting across the sky. they never talked about where he was going to sleep, so he assumed it was going to be the couch. there was apart of him that wanted to sleep beside jungkook, but continued to slap himself whenever he thought that. 

he just met the guy. 

there was something that was pulling him towards jungkook. 

it scared him. 

he felt his eyes close for a little longer than normal, pushing past his tiredness when his shivering got worse. 

jungkook was laying against the headboard of the bed as he scrolled through his phone, the lamp in the room was the only light source at the moment. his curtains were shut, and his room was smelling good. the raven had a huge thing for candles, it always made him feel calm. 

so there was on on his desk. 

the raven cleared his throat when he felt something turn in his stomach, sensing distress and discomfort. he slid out of the covers of the double bed and stretched a little, thinking it was his bones that was getting stiff. only for his ears to perk a little when he heard a whimper, he immediately rushed out the room to head to the lounge. 

his eyes landed on taehyung who was curled into a ball, shivering while trying to stay awake. jungkook cursed for a second before rushing towards the male, he grabbed the males legs and carried him bridal style to his room after turning off all the lights. 

jungkook was keeping track on all the side affects that taehyung was having. 

- extremely weak
- gets very tired
- gets cold very quickly to an excessive extent. 
- hungry

this was just physical things jungkook could tell, taehyung may know more with the emotional part which is what he was trying to figure out. he slowly placed taehyung on the bed, pushing the covers back and telling him to shuffle to the other side— which he did. 

jungkook quickly made sure all the doors were locked and shut before walking back into his room, shutting and locking the door as he placed taehyung's phone and things on his desk. the trueblood opened the wardrobe in his room and grabbed out the fluffiest blanket taehyung had ever seen. 

the werewolf walked back to the bed and pulled the blankets over taehyung. after sliding in himself he threw the fluffy blanket over the both of them, he soon turned off the lamp which seemed to scare taehyung as the male soon started to feel the bed dip all around him. 

"hey, hey I am right here" jungkook whispered, placing his hand on taehyung's waist. 

"I am sorry, I d-dont know what is going on. I normally sleep in the d-dark but my anxiety is really g-getting to me" taehyung stuttered, clutching onto the pillow. that was something jungkook had not picked up on, he was scared. 

the raven quickly turned the lamp back on and slid out of bed to walk back to his closet, he grabbed the cleanest jumper he has that he always wears and walked back to the bed after shutting the wardrobe. 

"put this on" he said, handing taehyung his jumper who immediately took it in his hands and put it on, sighing as his head his the pillow and jungkook slid in next to him. the raven turned off the lamp, placing his arm in between the both of them. so that if taehyung ever got scared he would be able to know he was right next to him. 

soon enough he felt taehyung's hand touch his bicep, the raven chuckled slightly when he noticed the brunette had fallen asleep with his arm wrapped around jungkook's. the true-blood did not mind, it made him feel safe. 

sometimes the strongest werewolf wants to feel safe as well. 

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