17 | do you regret it?

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the brunette was so thankful it was the weekend, he was so needing a sleep in. waking up early everyday was starting to take a toll on taehyung's body. by the time taehyung woke up it was ten in the morning, his eyes casted on his phone that continued to vibrate on his bedside table. 

once he grabbed his phones he saw jungkook was spamming his messages. 




you awake 

if you dont reply now your a hoe

I guess your a hoe

I was wondering if you wanted to come with me for a picnic?

algood if not :)

taehyung chuckled, his eyes scanning the messages as his thumbs hovered over the keypad to type. 


ur a hoe. 

also sounds good, what time?


how does now sound?


perfect, I will meet you outside the college

the brunette threw the covers off himself and shivered when his feet met the cold wood floor. he quickly got changed, went to brush his teeth and wash his face before grabbing his phone and leaving the dorm. he smiled once he saw jungkook leaning against his car. 

the raven smiled when he watched taehyung walk towards him. 

"hop in, we are going for an adventure" jungkook chuckled, raising his eyebrows in excitement as he walked towards the drivers seat. the omega chuckled at the taller and walked towards the passenger seat.


taehyung's pov

It felt so freeing, having the window down and your arm drumming against the car door as loud music from khalid was playing. the strong wind blowing their hair as jungkook drove. no words were exchanged between the raven and I. it was just the music and the wind. it felt peaceful. 

moments like these, are the memories I will never forget. the times where you feel so free, you feel as if all your problems are getting swept away with the wind. 

I had no idea where we were going, all I could see were tree's, grass and the ocean waves hitting against the sand. it was such a beautiful sight, a sight that I would cherish for ever. I took some time to take many videos and pictures while jungkook's car started to slow down. 

"we are here" jungkook said after parking his car, I looked around to see no one here. so I turned back to look at him to see he was already staring at me. "where are the people?" I questioned. 

"a lot of people are working or at school, so the place is always quiet around these times" jungkook chuckled, stepping out the car to grab the basket that was in the back. 

I hummed and also got out, letting out a pleasant sigh as the wind brushed past my face. 

"follow me" the raven grinned. 

"aye aye captain" I replied, making sure I had my phone with me before following him to the beach. I watched as jungkook laid the blanket over the sand and placed the picnic basket in the middle, once we both sat down we started to take out all the food.

"wow, did you make this all?" I asked, generally shocked with how much food is in the basket. he smiled and nodded, passing me a plate. 

"dig in" I did not need to be told twice and dug in, I let out a little groan when I bit into the soft and fluffy strawberry cake. 

"jungkook this is so good" I chuckled in between biting the cake. 


third person

jungkook smiled as he watched taehyung eat, it made him happy to see the male enjoying the food he prepared. the raven started to dig in himself, putting things on his plate before handing taehyung a cold drink. 

the true blood woke up in the morning and had the strong urge to spend more time with taehyung. he was not going to bother pushing that feeling a side, it would be nice to become closer to the other werewolf in town. jungkook thought it was crazy with how he thought it was just him but now taehyung then his friends appeared. 

trying to get away from it all, but it seems to follow him. 

"can I ask something?" jungkook questioned, leaning his arm against the blanket as he laid down. when he heard the brunette hum he started. 

"what rank are you?" he whispered, he felt like he knew the answer. but wanted to hear it come from taehyung. 

"omega" the male confessed, looking anywhere but jungkook who smiled. the raven felt a little shocked still, he could not believe he was spending time with someone who is an omega. they are so so rare and there werewolf world knows there is one omega out there, but they dont know who. it was dangerous for people to know who taehyung was, especially if he did not have a mate or royal guards to protect him. 

taehyung could easily end up in the wrong hands, jungkook knows that. 

"since you confessed something to me and was honest, I want to confess something" 

that caught taehyung's attention fast, his eyes drifting to jungkook who sighed. 

"I am a true-blood alpha, I was meant to become head-alpha of my pack but I ran away. I ran because it was too much responsibility, I was afraid." the raven whispered, looking out to the sea as he remembers the feelings he felt when he ran. 

"do you regret leaving?" taehyung questioned, not knowing what was really going through jungkook's head. 

"honestly, no. I dont regret it. atleast I know what life is like on both sides"

"so you ran from your pack as well? how come?" the true-blood questioned, eyes now on taehyung who was now looking at the ocean. 

"I have spent my whole life living with my grandmother, she means the world to me. she was the only person who truly cared about me. I woke up one morning and found her on her bed, I thought she was asleep but when I touched her arm she was freezing cold"

"I called the pack guards and it was obvious she passed in her sleep, I was so devastated. the pack basically said I have to find somewhere to live or I will become a rouge. they did not know my rank but they knew I was weak and could not defend myself"

"when they took my grandmothers body away, I cried and screamed. I was left alone for a while and knew I needed to run now cause no one else will protect me. I was not taught to protect myself. the guards saw it as no point as so did the head alpha"

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