14 | we need to talk

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a couple of days had gone by since the incident and the first night taehyung stayed at jungkook's. by the morning he felt like himself again so he left when jungkook went to classes.

jungkook was in class tapping his pencil against the note pad as his mind drifted towards the male that had slept on top of him.

that morning when jungkook woke up he felt a heavy weight on his chest. he groaned a little as he used one of his hands to rub his eyes, trying to adjust them to the light that was seeping through the cracks of the curtains. the true-blood looked down to see taehyung fully on top of him, the brunette's legs in between his own. he chuckled a little when the male's hair brushed against his neck. 

both of jungkook's arms were placed by his sides, not wanting to touch taehyung. even if he felt the urge to wrap his arms around the males waist and hold him tighter, it was not right. 

he knew that if taehyung were to wake up and the male would be embarrassed. 

the true-blood chuckled at the thought of when he lifted taehyung off himself and tucked him back in the covers. remembering when taehyung clutched one of his pillows. it was a cute sight that jungkook could not get out of his head. 

it was taehyung's first day back and the male was currently at the back of class, drawing. they did not really speak much. was it awkward between them? yeah a little. that was what jungkook was expecting anyways, they did not really know what to say to each other, even though the raven has so many questions that he wants to ask. 

"class dismissed" the teacher called out, a lot of students quickly packed all their things and rushed out the room. wanting to get first to the cafeteria line before it got packed. jungkook left the room once there was space to be able to exit. 

taehyung was the last person to leave the room, heading down the hallways. he ended up packing his own lunch so did not need to bother going to the cafeteria. as the brunette was walking he walked past a classroom to hear people whisper-yell. whoever was in the room sounded mad, being the nosy person he is he stepped back a little to peak in the class. when he saw no one there he walked inside more only for him to feel the wind get knocked out of him. 

as soon as he opened his eyes his back was met with a wall, a strong hand around his throat. 

"why are you ears dropping" taehyung immediately coughed as he tried to speak, he whimpered when his eyes met red eyes. he felt panicked, his heart racing as he tried to get out of the tight grip. 

"let go of him yoongi" 


when jungkook left the classroom and walked down the hallway he looked up to see to males walk into a classroom. he stopped walking immediately, feeling his heart stir as he walked closer to the room. the only reason why he decided to follow the two males was because they looked so familiar. 

walking into the room felt like everything he ran away from was for nothing, seeing those two familiar faces that he definitely missed but wanted to be away from was the hardest. 

"jimin? yoongi?" jungkook questioned, stepping more into the room. 

"jungkook, I cant believe we found you" jimin smiled, leaning against the desk as both werewolves stare at the true-blood who looked shocked. 

"how did you find me?" he questioned, moving away from the door. 

"just a lucky guess" 

"why are you here?" was the next question that rolled off his tongue that jimin and yoongi were waiting for. 

"we are here to bring you back"

that made jungkook chuckle, shaking his head as he turned to jimin. "your kidding right? I ran for a reason" was what he could come up with, his head shot towards yoongi who had another student up against a wall, holding the male's neck tightly. 

"why are you ears dropping" he heard yoongi say to the boy, jungkook moved to the side to see who the student was. when he recognised it was taehyung and heard the male whimper he pushed yoongi off of taehyung. 

noticing that the brunette clutched the back of his shirt as he let out a few coughs. 

when jungkook noticed yoongi's eyes still red, he sighed. "control your eyes dude, your lucky taehyung is one of us. if you wanna stay alive try hiding that your a werewolf" the true-blood complained. muttering 'fucking idiot' before turning to taehyung who was holding his neck but looking at the ground. 

"let me see" jungkook whispered, slowly removing taehyung's hand to see the male's neck was a little red. he bit back a growl, closing his eyes when he felt his wolf senses escalate. 

"what do you mean by he is one of us?" jimin questioned, pushing himself off the desk as he walked towards the door to close it. 

"he is a werewolf, from a different pack" jungkook replied, now he knows as much at the true-blood does. 

'dont bother asking him questions, i have not gotten to that part yet' jungkook linked to both yoongi and jimin who stepped back. 

"your both werewolves" taehyung managed to say, looking at the two newbies who nodded. he recognised them from helping them find their classes. the brunette shut his eyes before leaving the room. jungkook was about to go after him when jimin grabbed his arm. 

"we need to talk"

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