18 | going for a run

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jungkook's heart broke hearing the words that had fallen past taehyung's lips. he could not imagine what the male would of felt like during that time, they talked a little more and enjoyed each others company until a light bulb went off in the true-bloods brain.

he ended up asking the brunette if he wanted to go for a run in the forrest, so they both shift into their wolves and run free for a while. taehyung nodded immediately, he has always wanted to shift back into his wolf to go for a run but was always afraid that someone would hurt him. 

jungkook was over the moon that taehyung agreed, he has always wanted to see the brunette in his wolf form. he also remembered taehyung saying that he has not gone for a run since he left his pack. 

after packing up their food, and heading towards the car they drove off. the raven headed straight towards the woods, the best place to go for runs that were far away from any humans or other packs. when the car started to slow down taehyung recognised the place, he turned around and hummed. 

"I have been here before" the brunette muttered, his hands in his lap. jungkook chuckled, nodding his head as he replied "when that gadget affect you, I took you here and carried you to the ocean" the raven replied, parking his car before they both hoped out. 

jungkook grabbed a bag from his boot as they walked to the forest. "do you always have bags on clothes in your boot?" the omega chuckled, following jungkook who laughed. 

"sometimes, just in case. for these moments I guess" 

taehyung smiled when they stopped at the forrest where there was a little beach next to it. 

both males went behind a tree to strip from their clothes, no words exchanged between them. taehyung heard jungkook shift and as soon as he opened his eyes he had shifted. he felt amazing, it had been so long since he had shifted and it felt amazing. 

when he walked out from behind the tree his eyes immediately turned to a black wolf with red eyes, the wolf was massive. taehyung knew it was jungkook and he also knew that if they were to stand next to each other it would look like jungkook swallowed him. 

the raven was in a haze at how beautiful taehyung's wolf is, the white fur and bright blue eyes. he had never seen a wolf that small, it was not the size of a pup but definitely smaller then a beta. he was very cute. jungkook knew that his wolf could look really intimidating so he let taehyung walk to him first when he felt ready. 

the brunette sniffed the air and ground as he slowly walked towards the true-blood who was following his every move. taehyung thought that jungkook looked so scary but he did not feel scared. he shivered when their fur came in contact with each others. 

the raven felt his wolf howl a little when taehyung nuzzled his head against his fur, licking his face a little before running around. jungkook followed close behind, making sure taehyung did not get out of his sight. 


after running around and chasing each other, the sun was starting to set. they both ran towards the beach and jumped onto the sand, rolling around as they both let growls out of their mouths. taehyung went to go touch the sea water while jungkook laid on the sand, his head against his paw as he watched the omega run towards the water then run away from it when it got close. 

soon enough taehyung was walking back to him, he let out a content huff when the brunette laid against him, jungkook's wolf covering taehyung's wolf completely. they both spent the rest of the time watching the sunset and listening to the waves crash against the beach. 

now this was perfect

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